Herrmannova, Drahomira ; Knoth, Petr. Current Research on Mining Scientific Publications. D-Lib Magazine, September/October 2016, Volume 22, Number 9/10. http://www.dlib.org/dlib/september16/09guest-editorial.html
The articles in this issue of D-Lib Magazine were selected from papers presented at the 5th International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications (WOSP 2016) organised by the Open University and OpenMinTed. The workshop was held in conjunction with the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2016) in Newark, just outside of New York city. The workshop was organised by the Open University for the fifth time and featured a variety of speakers from academia and industry who presented their text and data mining research and results.
In a peer-review process the programme committee selected five long papers and four short papers to be part of this D-Lib issue. The papers can be divided into three general topics: semantic enrichment (two papers), tools and datasets (two papers) and citation analysis and research impact (five papers).
Lire la suite : http://www.dlib.org/dlib/september16/09guest-editorial.html
Bergstrom Theodore C., Courant Paul N., McAfee R. Preston et Williams Michael A., 2014, « Evaluating big deal journal bundles », Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 16 juin 2014, p. 201403006. http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2014/06/11/1403006111.abstract
Large commercial publishers sell bundled online subscriptions to their entire list of academic journals at prices significantly lower than the sum of their á la carte prices. Bundle prices differ drastically between institutions, but they are not publicly posted. The data that we have collected enable us to compare the bundle prices charged by commercial publishers with those of nonprofit societies and to examine the types of price discrimination practiced by commercial and nonprofit journal publishers. This information is of interest to economists who study monopolist pricing, librarians interested in making efficient use of library budgets, and scholars who are interested in the availability of the work that they publish.
Lire la suite : http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2014/06/11/1403006111.abstract
Les effets des “big deals”. Billet publié sur le blog “Marlene’s corner” le 09/05/2013 : http://marlenescorner.net/2013/05/09/les-effets-des-big-deals/
“The big deal and the damage done” : dans ce dernier ouvrage, Walt Crawford a étudié les dépenses budgétaires des BU américaines sur la période 2000-2010. Il montre de façon flagrante comment les “big deals”, censés au départ aider les bibliothèques à élargir leur offre documentaire électronique pour un surcoût limité, les contraignent désormais à restreindre le reste de leur offre. Quelle que soit la taille de l’établissement, les budgets dédiés aux documents imprimés connaissent une baisse continue, alors que ceux des revues électroniques ne cessent d’augmenter…
L’article “The big deal and the damage done” de Walt Crawford issu de la revue numérique “Cites & insights” Volume 13, Number 7 : July 2013, p.1-6 synthétise les résultats développés dans l’ouvrage du même nom : http://citesandinsights.info/civ13i7.pdf
Lire la suite : http://marlenescorner.net/2013/05/09/les-effets-des-big-deals/
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