Archives par mot-clé : outils de découverte

Impact of library discovery technologies : a report for UKSG

Impact of library discovery technologies : a report for UKSG / Valérie Spezi, Claire Creaser, Ann O’Brien, Angela Conyers.

The goals of the study were:

  • To evaluate the impact that library discovery technologies (such as link resolvers and web-scale resource discovery services) have on the use of academic resources
  • To provide evidence to determine if there is a case for (a) investment in discovery technologies by libraries and (b) engagement with library discovery technologies by publishers and others in the academic information supply chain (unless no positive impact is found, in which case to provide evidence to this effect)
  • To provide recommendations for actions that libraries, publishers and others in the academic information supply chain should take to engage with such technologies to best support the discovery of resources for teaching, learning and research
  • To identify additional research, data, discussion, initiatives or other activities required that will support the implementation of the findings of this study.

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Library Catalog Log Analysis in E-Book Patron-Driven Acquisitions (PDA) : A Case Study

Urbano Cristóbal, Zhang Yin, Downey Kay et Klingler Thomas, « Library Catalog Log Analysis in E-Book Patron-Driven Acquisitions (PDA) : A Case Study », College & Research Libraries, 1 mai 2014, p. crl14‑592.

Patron-Driven Acquisitions (PDA) is a new model used for e-book acquisition by academic libraries. A key component of this model is to make records of e-books available in a library catalog and let actual patron usage decide whether or not an item is purchased. However, there has been a lack of research examining the role of the library catalog as a tool for e-book discovery and use in PDA. This paper presents a case study of using PDA for e-book acquisition in an academic library, with a focus on the role of the library catalog in this purchasing model. The implications and challenges are also discussed.

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