Archives par mot-clé : bibliothécaires

Defining data librarianship: a survey of competencies, skills, and training

Federer Lisa, 2018, « Defining data librarianship: a survey of competencies, skills, and training », Journal of the Medical Library Association, 2018, vol. 106, no 3, p. 294‑303. doi:


Many librarians are taking on new roles in research data services. However, the emerging field of data librarianship, including specific roles and competencies, has not been clearly established. This study aims to better define data librarianship by exploring the skills and knowledge that data librarians utilize and the training that they need to succeed.

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Quels enjeux éditoriaux pour un carnet de recherche ?

« Bibliothécaires et chercheurs à la croisée des sciences de l’information et des humanités numériques.

Le carnet de recherche DLIS, dédié aux débats communs entre bibliothécaires et chercheurs dans le champ des digital humanities et des sciences de l’information et de la communication (SIC), a été ouvert en 2016 sur le portail d’Hypothèses. Il est le fruit d’une collaboration entre deux chercheurs en SIC et une conservatrice des bibliothèques en poste à l’Enssib et d’une réflexion sur l’intérêt de partager un espace éditorial commun. L’idée de partager un carnet de recherche entre bibliothécaires et chercheurs n’est pas si récente. Elle est née de rencontres déterminantes (…) »

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Source >, Catherine Muller, Hans Dillaerts, Benoît Epron, 20 juin 2018

Library and Information Services : The Future of the Profession : Themes and scenarios 2025

Document de l’Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) : “Library and Information Services :  The Future of the Profession : Themes and scenarios 2025”, Discussion paper, 1 May 2013, signalé par DocuTicker le 21 mai 2013

“From Executive Summary:

Having looked at the historic and current situation relating to library and information services, and freely-available futurist thinking, we have developed scenarios for school, public, university and TAFE, and special libraries, and collecting institutions under three themes:

The golden age of information

Convergence is an efficiency model. Generally, it means fewer jobs but the positions that are available require people with significant skills.

Connection is good for libraries, it plays to our strengths. In this environment, libraries thrive, although library and information professionals have to step outside their comfort zone.

The golden age of information is coming, the question is whether or not today’s library and information professionals can make it their own. If we can, this era offers highly attractive opportunities for the profession and it opens up the possibility of many more of our members occupying senior positions in government, not-for-profit and commercial enterprises.”

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La formation continue des personnels de bibliothèque universitaire au numérique. État des lieux et perspectives

Publié dans les collections numériques de l’Enssib : Mémoire d’études, diplôme de conservateur, Bouchareb, Hind, janvier 2013 :

La formation continue des personnels de bibliothèque universitaire est un enjeu considérable à l’heure du numérique. Les besoins de formation trouvent des réponses partielles dans l’offre des organismes formateurs mais la formation interne semble de plus en plus nécessaire pour s’adapter aux changements. Le modèle de l’organisation apprenante et ses dérivés aident à repenser l’organisation pour favoriser les apprentissages au sein de la bibliothèque et permettre à tous les agents de développer une culture numérique professionnelle.

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Re-skilling for Research

Rapport publié par RLUK (Research Libraries UK) en janvier 2012 :

RLUK has published a major report by Mary Auckland on the changing needs of researchers and the effect on the subject/liaison role within libraries.

As research activities evolve, research support must evolve with them. RLUK has been keen to determine what the new requirements of researchers are, and how best these needs can be met by the library.  We want to place the needs of researchers in the context of the libraries current offering, and look at how we must change to fulfil the new demands placed upon us.

This report, Re-skilling for Research, takes us a long way to mapping these requirements. It looks in detail at researchers’ information needs and begins to outline the skills and knowledge that are required to meet those needs. The Report offers a comparison of different models of library support for researchers, with valuable comparisons of current job descriptions. Finally, issues around the training opportunities for subject librarians to acquire the additional skills and knowledge they will need to fulfill their new roles are explored.

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