Archives par mot-clé : articles scientifiques

Cinq idées reçues sur les collections universitaires

Di Méo, Nicolas. « Cinq idées reçues sur les collections universitaires ». Bulletin des bibliothèques de France (BBF), 2016, n° 9, p. 10-17. Disponible en ligne : <>. ISSN 1292-8399.

En une quinzaine ou une vingtaine d’années, le monde universitaire français a connu de profonds changements : bouleversement du cadre institutionnel avec le vote de la loi LRU (2007) et le passage aux RCE (à partir de 2009), développement de l’évaluation et du financement sur projets, révolution numérique… Dans un paysage aussi mouvant, les BU ont dû adapter leur offre documentaire et de nouveaux enjeux sont apparus en matière d’acquisition, de gestion et de valorisation des collections. Quels sont-ils ? Tour d’horizon à travers l’examen de cinq idées reçues qui ont la vie dure.

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Altmetrics: medición de la influencia de los medios en el impacto social de la investigación

Alonso-Arévalo, Julio and Cordón-García, José-Antonio and Maltrás-Barba, Bruno Altmetrics: medición de la influencia de los medios en el impacto social de la investigación. Cuadernos de Documentación Multimedia, 2016, vol. 27, n. 1.

Social media is changing the way we interact, present ideas and information and judge the quality of content and contributions. In recent years there have been hundreds of platforms to freely share all kinds of information and connect across networks. These new tools generate activity statistics and interactions among users such as mentions, retweets, conversations, comments on blogs or Facebook; managers references showing popularity ratings of more references shared by other researchers or repositories that generate statistics of visits or downloads of articles. This paper analyzes that have meaning and implications altmetrics, what are its advantages and critical platforms (, ImpactStory, Plos altmetrics, PlumX), reports progress and benefits for authors, publishers and librarians. It concluded that the value of alternative metrics as a complementary tool citation analysis is evident, although it is suggested that you should dig deeper into this issue to unravel the meaning and the potential value of these indicators to assess their potential.

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Comparing Published Scientific Journal Articles to Their Pre-print Versions

Klein Martin, Broadwell Peter, Farb Sharon E. et Grappone Todd, « Comparing Published Scientific Journal Articles to Their Pre-print Versions », arXiv:1604.05363 [cs], 18 avril 2016.

Academic publishers claim that they add value to scholarly communications by coordinating reviews and contributing and enhancing text during publication. These contributions come at a considerable cost: U.S. academic libraries paid $1.7 billion for serial subscriptions in 2008 alone. Library budgets, in contrast, are flat and not able to keep pace with serial price inflation. We have investigated the publishers’ value proposition by conducting a comparative study of pre-print papers and their final published counterparts. This comparison had two working assumptions: 1) if the publishers’ argument is valid, the text of a pre-print paper should vary measurably from its corresponding final published version, and 2) by applying standard similarity measures, we should be able to detect and quantify such differences. Our analysis revealed that the text contents of the scientific papers generally changed very little from their pre-print to final published versions. These findings contribute empirical indicators to discussions of the added value of commercial publishers and therefore should influence libraries’ economic decisions regarding access to scholarly publications.

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Correlación entre indicadores bibliométricos en revistas de Web of Science y Scopus

Salvador-Oliván, José-Antonio and Agustín-Lacruz, María-Del-Carmen Correlación entre indicadores bibliométricos en revistas de Web of Science y Scopus. Revista General de Información y Documentación, 2015, vol. 25, n. 2, pp. 341-359.

This article compares the correlation between bibliometric indicators obtained from journals indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) and Scopusdatabases in 2013. Indicators selected for analysis include impact factor (FI), 5-year impact factor (5yrFI), Inmediacy index, Eigenfactor Score (EF), Article Influence Score (AIS), SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), cites/docs 2 years (FIScopus), h-index, Impact Per publication (IPP) and Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP).From 10700 journals listed in both databases,9657 for analysis were selected because they contained all indicators.Correlations were determined for each pair of indicators and were tested with Spearman’s rho. The results shown that the correlations between several indicators are high and that they exhibit similar values in science and social sciences, providing evidence of convergent validity. Only H-index presented the lowest values providing complementaryinformation to other indicators.

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Are libraries sustainable in a world of free, networked, digital information ?

Anglada, Lluís. Are libraries sustainable in a world of free, networked, digital information? // ¿Son las bibliotecas sostenibles en un mundo de información libre, digital y en red? El profesional de la información, 2014, vol. 23, n. 6, pp. 603-611.

The evolution of libraries through three stages –modernization, automation and digitization- is analysed. A formula is presented to evaluate the importance of libraries to our society, and it is applied both retrospectively and futuristically, extrapolating a 2030 scenario. The conclusion is that if the current generation of librarians does not introduce radical changes in the role of libraries, their future is seriously threatened.

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Amplifying the Impact of Open Access: Wikipedia and the Diffusion of Science

Teplitskiy, Misha; Lu, Grace; Duede, Eamon. Amplifying the Impact of Open Access: Wikipedia and the Diffusion of Science. arXiv:1506.07608.

With the rise of Wikipedia as a first-stop source for scientific knowledge, it is important to compare its representation of that knowledge to that of the academic literature. This article approaches such a comparison through academic references made within the worlds 50 largest Wikipedias. Previous studies have raised concerns that Wikipedia editors may simply use the most easily accessible academic sources rather than sources of the highest academic status. We test this claim by identifying the 250 most heavily used journals in each of 26 research fields (4,721 journals, 19.4M articles in total) indexed by the Scopus database, and modeling whether topic, academic status, and accessibility make articles from these journals more or less likely to be referenced on Wikipedia. We find that, controlling for field and impact factor, the odds that an open access journal is referenced on the English Wikipedia are 47% higher compared to closed access journals. Moreover, in most of the worlds Wikipedias a journals high status (impact factor) and accessibility (open access policy) both greatly increase the probability of referencing. Among the implications of this study is that the chief effect of open access policies may be to significantly amplify the diffusion of science, through an intermediary like Wikipedia, to a broad public audience.

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The Twitter Archive at the Library of Congress: Challenges for information practice and information policy

Zimmer, Michael. The Twitter Archive at the Library of Congress: Challenges for information practice and information policy.  First Monday, Volume 20, Number 7 – 6 July 2015.

In April 2010, the U.S. Library of Congress and the popular micro-blogging company Twitter announced that every public tweet, since Twitter’s inception in March 2006, will be archived digitally at the Library and made available to researchers. The Library of Congress’ planned digital archive of all public tweets holds great promise for the research community, yet, over five years since its announcement, the archive remains unavailable. This paper explores the challenges faced by the Library that have prevented the timely realization of this valuable archive, divided into two categories: challenges involving practice, such as how to organize the tweets, how to provide useful means of retrieval, how to physically store them; and challenges involving policy, such as the creation of access controls to the archive, whether any information should be censored or restricted, and the broader ethical considerations of the very existence of such an archive, especially privacy and user control.

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Où en est-on des réseaux sociaux académiques ?

Où en est-on des réseaux sociaux académiques ? UrfistInfo, 15 mai 2015.

Alors que l’utilisation des réseaux sociaux de chercheurs est toujours croissante, que les éditeurs s’y intéressent de plus en plus près et que les formations se développent, il nous semblait intéressant de refaire un point sur la question, un peu plus d’un an après un premier article « Pour une utilisation critique des réseaux sociaux académiques ». Où l’on parlera de réseaux sociaux académiques bien sûr, mais aussi de pratiques d’information des chercheurs, de publication scientifique et de repositionnement des éditeurs, d’archives ouvertes ou encore des professionnels de l’information…

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Challenges in Matching Dataset Citation Strings to Datasets in Social Science

Mathiak, Brigitte, Boland, Katarina. Challenges in Matching Dataset Citation Strings to Datasets in Social Science. D-Lib Magazine, January/February 2015, Volume 21, Number 1/2. DOI:

Finding dataset citations in scientific publications to gain information on the usage of research data is an important step to increase visibility of data and to give datasets more weight in the scientific community. Unlike publication impact, which is readily measured by citation counts, dataset citation remains a great unknown. In recent work, we introduced an algorithm to find dataset citations in full text documents automatically, but, in fact, this is just half the road to travel. Once the citation string has been found, it has to be matched to the correct DOI. This is more complicated than it sounds. In social science, survey datasets are typically recorded in a much more fine-granular way than they are cited, differentiating between years, versions, samples, modes of the interview, countries, even questionnaire variants. At the same time, the actual citation strings typically ignore these details. This poses a number of challenges to the matching of citations strings to datasets. In this paper, we discuss these challenges in more detail and present our ideas on how to solve them using an ontology for research datasets.

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Digitization, Internet publishing and the revival of scholarly monographs: An empirical study in India

Digitization, Internet publishing and the revival of scholarly monographs: An empirical study in India
by Rojers P. Joseph and Shishir K. Jha. First Monday, Volume 20, Number 1 – 5 January 2015. doi:

This research shows the growing utility of internet-based digital models in reviving the crisis-stricken traditional print monograph publishing. The rising prices of scientific journals in the past three decades forced academic and research libraries to resort to cutbacks on monograph budgets. The declining sales to libraries and rising production costs led to a significant drop in global demand for print monographs, rendering monograph publishing financially unattractive. Combining the flexibility of digitized content with the global reach of the Internet, three emerging digital models — print on demand, bundled e-books, and e-consortia — are beginning to revamp the monograph publishing business.

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Open Access Infrastructure

Open Access Infrastructure. Information Standards Quarterly (ISQ) Summer 2014, volume 26, no. 2.

Numéro spécial édité par le NISO (National Information Standards Organization)  sur les normes et standards relatifs à la mise en place de projet liés au libre-accès.

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What Do Researchers Need ? Feedback On Use of Online Primary Source Materials

DeRidder Jody L. et Matheny Kathryn G., 2014, « What Do Researchers Need? Feedback On Use of Online Primary Source Materials », D-Lib Magazine, juillet 2014, vol. 20, no 7/8.

Cultural heritage institutions are increasingly providing online access to primary source materials for researchers. While the intent is to enable round-the-clock access from any location, few studies have examined the extent to which current web delivery is meeting the needs of users. Careful use of limited resources requires intelligent assessment of researcher needs in comparison to the actual online presentation, including access, retrieval and usage options. In the hopes of impacting future delivery methods and access development, this article describes the results of a qualitative study of 11 humanities faculty researchers at the University of Alabama, who describe and rate the importance of various issues encountered when using 29 participant-selected online databases.

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Research libraries’ new role in research data management, current trends and visions in Denmark

Article publié dans la revue LIBER Quarterly : the journal of the association of research libraries, Vol 23, No 4 (2014) par Filip Kruse, Jesper Boserup Thestrup.

The amount of research data is growing constantly, due to new technology with new potentials for collecting and analysing both digital data and research objects. This growth creates a demand for a coherent IT-infrastructure. Such an infrastructure must be able to provide facilities for storage, preservation and a more open access to data in order to fulfil the demands from the researchers themselves, the research councils and research foundations.

This paper presents the findings of a research project carried out under the auspices of DEFF (Danmarks Elektroniske Fag- og Forskningsbibliotek – Denmark’s Electronic research Library)[i] to analyse how the Danish universities store, preserve and provide access to research data. It shows that they do not have a common IT-infrastructure for research data management. This paper describes the various paths chosen by individual universities and research institutions, and the background for their strategies of research data management. Among the main reasons for the uneven practices are the lack of a national policy in this field, the different scientific traditions and cultures and the differences in the use and organization of IT-services.

This development contains several perspectives that are of particular relevance to research libraries. As they already curate digital collections and are active in establishing web archives, the research libraries become involved in research and dissemination of knowledge in new ways. This paper gives examples of how The State and University Library’s services facilitate research data management with special regard to digitization of research objects, storage, preservation and sharing of research data.

This paper concludes that the experience and skills of research libraries make the libraries important partners in a research data management infrastructure.

Insights OA Monograph Supplement

Numéro spécial de la revue Insights : the UKSG journal, volume 27, supplement 1/2014, consacré aux monographies en libre-accès, publié le 8 avril 2014 :

Articles :

– Calibrating the parameters: changing hearts and minds about open access monographs

– Open access e-books: the role of the institution

– Open access monographs and the role of the library

– Open access monographs: a humanities research perspective

– The publisher journey for OUP

– Building it together: collaboration in university-based open access book publishing

– ‘The Returned’: on the future of monographic books

– Open access monograph business models

– Snapshots of three open access business models

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Economics of scholarly communication in transition

Article publié dans la revue First Monday. Morrison, Heather. 2013. « Economics of Scholarly Communication in Transition ». First Monday 18(6). Consulté juin 5, 2013.

Academic library budgets are the primary source of revenue for scholarly journal publishing. There is more than enough money in the budgets of academic libraries to fund a fully open access scholarly journal publishing system. Seeking efficiencies, such as a reasonable average cost per article, will be key to a successful transition. This paper presents macro–level economic data and analysis illustrating the key factors and potential for cost savings.

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