Peroni, Silvio. The Open Citations Movement : The Story So Far.
The 5th Conference on Scholarly Publishing in the
Context of Open Science – PUBMET 2018
20-21 September 2018, Zadar, Croatia, 20/09/2018.
The Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC) was launched in April 2017 with the purpose of promoting the release of structured, separable, and open citation data. Thanks to the incredible support of a large (and still growing) number of publishers and stakeholders, in one year more than 500 million citations have been released to the public, and are currently used by third parties for building new services to serve the scholarly community.
Source :
Conrad, Lettie Y. Mapping Open Science Tools. The Scholarly Kitchen, 2018-08-30.
In order to contribute analytical food for thought at this week’s Joint Roadmap for Open Science workshop, I was invited to facilitate discussion on the current landscape of open science tools and the opportunities for new or improved digital products in service of the research workflow. Among many things, Joint Roadmap for Open Science Tools (JROST) members came together to consider where they might collaborate and innovate to solve problems for scientists and further their shared goals in achieving an open, transparent, and non-profit vision for scholarly communications.
Source :
Billet publié par Odile Contat le mer, 22/08/2018 sur
La série de billet continue, nous en sommes au onzième, dans lequel je tente de rassembler au fur et à mesure de mes découvertes des pistes de travail pour découvrir, comprendre et se former sur les données de la recherche…Ils sont de plus en plus longs et denses…preuve si besoin du développement de ce sujet, de ces questionnements, des outils et des pratiques !
Lire l’épisode 11
Environnement numérique d'une bibliothèque de recherche en SHS