Scholarly Metrics Recommendations for Research Libraries: Deciphering the trees in the forest

Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche (LIBER). Scholarly Metrics Recommendations for Research Libraries: Deciphering the trees in the forest, 2018.

The digital era has brought new and exciting changes to scholarly communication. Modern scientific libraries and information infrastructures are obliged to face these new challenges in a professional way sooner rather than later.The monitoring and execution of policies, the facilitation of Open Access publishing, and support for research data management are but a few examples of adaptation to the digital era. The use of scholarly metrics is also an emerging field for academic libraries, brought on by digital change. To foster this vision, LIBER’s Innovative Metrics Working Group has set out recommendations on how academic libraries and information infrastructures can deal with scholarly metrics, and how to get started with the development of services to support this.

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Plan national pour la science ouverte

Plan national pour la science ouverte / Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et de l’innovation, 2018.

Le Plan national pour la science ouverte annoncé par Frédérique Vidal, le 4 juillet 2018, rend obligatoire l’accès ouvert pour les publications et pour les données issues de recherches financées sur projets. Il met en place un Comité pour la science ouverte et soutient des initiatives majeures de structuration du paysage concernant les publications et les données. Enfin, il est doté d’un volet formation et d’un volet international qui sont essentiels à la mobilisation des communautés scientifiques et à l’influence de la France dans ce paysage en cours de constitution.

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Defining data librarianship: a survey of competencies, skills, and training

Federer Lisa, 2018, « Defining data librarianship: a survey of competencies, skills, and training », Journal of the Medical Library Association, 2018, vol. 106, no 3, p. 294‑303. doi:


Many librarians are taking on new roles in research data services. However, the emerging field of data librarianship, including specific roles and competencies, has not been clearly established. This study aims to better define data librarianship by exploring the skills and knowledge that data librarians utilize and the training that they need to succeed.

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