The roles of libraries in digital humanities

Billet publié sur le carnet DLIS (Digital Libraries & Information Sciences) le 19 mars 2018.

LIBER’s Digital Humanities & Digital Cultural Heritage Working Group is gathering literature for libraries with an interest in digital humanities.

Four teams, each with a specific focus, have assembled a list of must-read papers, articles and reports. The recommendations in this article (the fourth and last in the series) have been assembled by the team looking at the roles of libraries in digital humanities and awareness raising in academic libraries. The team is led by Kirsty Lingstadt of the University of Edinburgh and, for these recommendations, Sarah Ames of the University of Edinburgh has lent additional support.”

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Etude des Indicateurs européens : La situation des bibliothèques universitaires françaises par rapport aux autres pays européens sur la période 2013-2016

Association des directeurs et personnels de direction des bibliothèques universitaires et de la documentation, Six et Dix. Étude des Indicateurs européens : la situation des bibliothèques universitaires françaises par rapport aux autres pays européens sur la période 2013-2016. Synthèse.

Dans le contexte actuel de compétition internationale entre établissements d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche, et dans une perspective de benchmarking au niveau européen, l’ADBU a sollicité le cabinet Six & Dix pour la réalisation d’une étude comparative sur les indicateurs représentatifs des activités des bibliothèques universitaires en Europe.

Cette étude, réalisée grâce au soutien du DISTRD du Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation, a nécessité plus de 4 mois de travail auprès de 13 pays européens et a permis de collecter près de 220 données consolidées et comparables. Il en résulte l’identification d’une vingtaine d’indicateurs communs dont l’évolution sur les quatre dernières années a pu être analysée.

La carte de l’offre européenne ainsi dessinée permet de mettre en perspective la place des bibliothèques universitaires françaises et offre aux établissements l’opportunité de se situer dans ce paysage.

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Measuring the impact of piracy and open access on the academic library services

MULLER, Floriane Sophie, IRIARTE, Pablo. Measuring the impact of piracy and open access on the academic library services. In: 15th Interlending and Document Supply Conference (ILDS). Paris. 2017.

The University of Geneva library has seen, like others around the world, a slight but steady decrease in its document delivery service usage for a few years now and this decline also seems to affect the use of the electronic licensed collection. Indeed, 2016 was the first year where usage of licensed journals decreased. How could it be correlated with other actual trends, such as an ever growing open access corpus and an increased visibility of shadow libraries like Sci-Hub? To what resources and services, beside the offer of the library, can our scholars turn when they need an article? In this work we try to reveal and understand the mechanisms that operate behind this gradual disengagement of scholars in our library services. Working a reverse way, we checked in WoS all the papers published in 2015 and 2016 by authors affiliated in Geneva University STM faculties (3’833 and 3’989 articles respectively). Then we extracted all the references cited in those papers (364’445 references, 80% having DOIs) and enriched them with more identifiers, bibliographic data and access information, using bibliographic APIs from CrossRef, NLM, DOAJ and oaDOI for the Open Access corpus, and open data sets from Dryad, figshare and Zenodo for Sci-Hub data. Finally we confronted this cited information to our ILL/DD orders and licensed journals database. This deep comparison gives us a much more informed insight into our scholars’ practices and allows us to measure the impact of piracy and Open Access growth on the academic library services.

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