Evaluating big deal journal bundles

Bergstrom Theodore C., Courant Paul N., McAfee R. Preston et Williams Michael A., 2014, « Evaluating big deal journal bundles », Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 16 juin 2014, p. 201403006. http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2014/06/11/1403006111.abstract

Large commercial publishers sell bundled online subscriptions to their entire list of academic journals at prices significantly lower than the sum of their á la carte prices. Bundle prices differ drastically between institutions, but they are not publicly posted. The data that we have collected enable us to compare the bundle prices charged by commercial publishers with those of nonprofit societies and to examine the types of price discrimination practiced by commercial and nonprofit journal publishers. This information is of interest to economists who study monopolist pricing, librarians interested in making efficient use of library budgets, and scholars who are interested in the availability of the work that they publish.

Lire la suite : http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2014/06/11/1403006111.abstract

Library Catalog Log Analysis in E-Book Patron-Driven Acquisitions (PDA) : A Case Study

Urbano Cristóbal, Zhang Yin, Downey Kay et Klingler Thomas, « Library Catalog Log Analysis in E-Book Patron-Driven Acquisitions (PDA) : A Case Study », College & Research Libraries, 1 mai 2014, p. crl14‑592. http://crl.acrl.org/content/early/2014/04/29/crl14-592

Patron-Driven Acquisitions (PDA) is a new model used for e-book acquisition by academic libraries. A key component of this model is to make records of e-books available in a library catalog and let actual patron usage decide whether or not an item is purchased. However, there has been a lack of research examining the role of the library catalog as a tool for e-book discovery and use in PDA. This paper presents a case study of using PDA for e-book acquisition in an academic library, with a focus on the role of the library catalog in this purchasing model. The implications and challenges are also discussed.

Lire la suite : http://crl.acrl.org/content/early/2014/04/29/crl14-592

The Right to E‐read : Position Paper and Statement

EBLIDA: European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations, “The Right to E‐read Position Paper and Statement”, 5 juin 2014 http://www.eblida.org/news/eblida-press-release.html

This paper, successor to the EBLIDA paper “E-Publishing and the Challenges for Libraries”, focuses on the issue of e-books and their availability through libraries.

The current developments in the e-books market are dramatically changing the way libraries are working. As well as giving access to a wide range of content from scientific to entertainment literature in all tangible formats (books, CDs, DVDs), since the 1990’s libraries have provided access to content in electronic formats, firstly for journals and now e-books. Initially these developments occurred mainly in academic libraries but nowadays public libraries are very much involved as well. Libraries are in the midst of a transition from managing physical collections that they own to managing connections to e-content provided and owned by others.

Lire la suite : http://www.eblida.org/news/eblida-press-release.html

Top trends in academic libraries

Top trends in academic libraries : A review of the trends and issues affecting academic libraries in higher education / ACRL Research Planning and Review Committee, College & Research Libraries News, vol. 75, no. 6, June 2014, p. 294-302. http://crln.acrl.org/content/75/6/294.full

Every other year, the ACRL Research Planning and Review Committee produces a document on top trends in academic libraries. This year, after numerous discussions and literature reviews, the committee decided upon a unifying theme for current trends: deeper collaboration. The committee found examples of either recent library collaborations or current collaborations within higher education that we believe could benefit from library participation. We focus on the following large categories within higher education: data, device neutral digital services, evolving openness in higher education, student success initiatives, competency-based learning, altmetrics, and digital humanities.

Lire la suite : http://crln.acrl.org/content/75/6/294.full