Article de Joachim Schöpfel, Uwe Müller publié dans Partnership: the Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research (ISSN: 1911-9593), Vol 9, No 1 (2014).
L’article présente le certificat DINI, un référentiel pour la certification et l’audit des archives ouvertes, des archives institutionnelles et des plateformes de revues en libre accès, développé par l’Initiative Allemande pour l’Information en Réseau DINI. L’article décrit le contexte, l’objectif et l’historique de ce certificat avant d’exposer sa structure et son contenu. Parmi les huit sections du certificat figurent la visibilité du site, la sécurité de l’information et l’archivage pérenne. La discussion porte sur l’objet du référentiel, sur son influence et sur la nécessité d’une adaptation au contexte francophone. La traduction française du certificat a été publiée en 2012.
The article presents the DINI certificate, standard recommendations for the certification of document and publishing services, i.e. open archives, institutional repositories and platforms for open access journals, developed by the German Initiative for Networked Information DINI. The article describes the context, purpose and history of this certificate before exposing its structure and content. The eight areas include criteria for the visibility of the site, information security and long-term preservation. The article discusses the object of certification, its impact and the need to adapt some recommendations to the French-speaking context. The French translation of the certificate has been published in 2012.
Article publié dans la revue LIBER Quarterly : the journal of the association of research libraries, Vol 23, No 4 (2014) par Filip Kruse, Jesper Boserup Thestrup.
The amount of research data is growing constantly, due to new technology with new potentials for collecting and analysing both digital data and research objects. This growth creates a demand for a coherent IT-infrastructure. Such an infrastructure must be able to provide facilities for storage, preservation and a more open access to data in order to fulfil the demands from the researchers themselves, the research councils and research foundations.
This paper presents the findings of a research project carried out under the auspices of DEFF (Danmarks Elektroniske Fag- og Forskningsbibliotek – Denmark’s Electronic research Library)[i] to analyse how the Danish universities store, preserve and provide access to research data. It shows that they do not have a common IT-infrastructure for research data management. This paper describes the various paths chosen by individual universities and research institutions, and the background for their strategies of research data management. Among the main reasons for the uneven practices are the lack of a national policy in this field, the different scientific traditions and cultures and the differences in the use and organization of IT-services.
This development contains several perspectives that are of particular relevance to research libraries. As they already curate digital collections and are active in establishing web archives, the research libraries become involved in research and dissemination of knowledge in new ways. This paper gives examples of how The State and University Library’s services facilitate research data management with special regard to digitization of research objects, storage, preservation and sharing of research data.
This paper concludes that the experience and skills of research libraries make the libraries important partners in a research data management infrastructure.
Numéro spécial de la revue Insights : the UKSG journal, volume 27, supplement 1/2014, consacré aux monographies en libre-accès, publié le 8 avril 2014 :
Articles :
– Calibrating the parameters: changing hearts and minds about open access monographs
– Open access e-books: the role of the institution
– Open access monographs and the role of the library
– Open access monographs: a humanities research perspective
– The publisher journey for OUP
– Building it together: collaboration in university-based open access book publishing
– ‘The Returned’: on the future of monographic books
– Open access monograph business models
– Snapshots of three open access business models
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Environnement numérique d'une bibliothèque de recherche en SHS