Archives de catégorie : web de données

Ontologies in CLARIAH: Towards Interoperability in History, Language and Media

Meroño-Peñuela, Albert [et al.]. Ontologies in CLARIAH: Towards Interoperability in History, Language and Media. [Submitted on 6 Apr 2020 (v1), last revised 31 Jul 2020 (this version, v2)]. arXiv:2004.02845v2

One of the most important goals of digital humanities is to provide researchers with data and tools for new research questions, either by increasing the scale of scholarly studies, linking existing databases, or improving the accessibility of data. Here, the FAIR principles provide a useful framework as these state that data needs to be: Findable, as they are often scattered among various sources; Accessible, since some might be offline or behind paywalls; Interoperable, thus using standard knowledge representation formats and shared vocabularies; and Reusable, through adequate licensing and permissions. Integrating data from diverse humanities domains is not trivial, research questions such as “was economic wealth equally distributed in the 18th century?”, or “what are narratives constructed around disruptive media events?”) and preparation phases (e.g. data collection, knowledge organisation, cleaning) of scholars need to be taken into account. In this chapter, we describe the ontologies and tools developed and integrated in the Dutch national project CLARIAH to address these issues across datasets from three fundamental domains or “pillars” of the humanities (linguistics, social and economic history, and media studies) that have paradigmatic data representations (textual corpora, structured data, and multimedia). We summarise the lessons learnt from using such ontologies and tools in these domains from a generalisation and reusability perspective.

Source : arXiv:2004.02845v2

The Open Citations Movement : The Story So Far

Peroni, Silvio. The Open Citations Movement : The Story So Far. 
The 5th Conference on Scholarly Publishing in the
Context of Open Science – PUBMET 2018
20-21 September 2018, Zadar, Croatia, 20/09/2018.

The Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC) was launched in April 2017 with the purpose of promoting the release of structured, separable, and open citation data. Thanks to the incredible support of a large (and still growing) number of publishers and stakeholders, in one year more than 500 million citations have been released to the public, and are currently used by third parties for building new services to serve the scholarly community.

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Current Research on Mining Scientific Publications

Herrmannova, Drahomira ; Knoth, Petr. Current Research on Mining Scientific Publications. D-Lib Magazine, September/October 2016, Volume 22, Number 9/10.

The articles in this issue of D-Lib Magazine were selected from papers presented at the 5th International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications (WOSP 2016) organised by the Open University and OpenMinTed. The workshop was held in conjunction with the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2016) in Newark, just outside of New York city. The workshop was organised by the Open University for the fifth time and featured a variety of speakers from academia and industry who presented their text and data mining research and results.

In a peer-review process the programme committee selected five long papers and four short papers to be part of this D-Lib issue. The papers can be divided into three general topics: semantic enrichment (two papers), tools and datasets (two papers) and citation analysis and research impact (five papers).

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Compte rendu du séminaire – Le document sonore – Quel avenir pour les catalogues de bibliothèques ?

Compte-rendu de séminaire  par Nadine Dardenne publié sur le site du TGE-Adonis le  le 20 décembre 2011,

Pascal Cordereix, responsable du service des archives sonores de la Bnf, spécialiste des archives de la parole, nous a présenté l’objet numérique sonore sous l’angle de l’évolution des méthodes de catalogage.

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Une étude d’OCLC sur les métadonnées sociales

Article de Pierre Moison dans Enssibrèves publié le 27 octobre 2011,

Dans le cadre de ses programmes de recherche en partenariat avec les bibliothèques, OCLC vient de publier la première d’une série de trois vastes études internationales consacrées aux métadonnées sociales.

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W3C Incubator Group Report on Library Linked Data Published

Article de Peter Murray dans Disruptive Library Technology Jester publié le 25 octobre 2011,

 This morning the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) announced the publication of the final report of the Library Linked Data Incubator Group. The abstract is reproduced below.

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Vidéo sur l’archivage du Web et la coopération internationale

Vidéo sur l’archivage du Web et la coopération internationale signalée dans “les actualités professionnelles” de la BNF

A l’occasion de l’assemblée générale du consortium international pour la préservation d’Internet (IIPC) en mai 2011 à laquelle a participé la BnF, une vidéo a été réalisée qui permet de découvrir les enjeux de l’archivage du Web.

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