Archives de catégorie : Revues en libre accès
Scholarly Communication at the Crossroad: From subscription to Open Access?
CHAN, Gayle R.Y.C. (2018) Scholarly Communication at the Crossroad: From subscription to Open Access?. Paper presented at: IFLA WLIC 2018 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – Transform Libraries, Transform Societies in Session 163 – Serials and Other Continuing Resources.
Recent developments in the scholarly communication ecosystem toward open access (OA) have become highly complex in how researchers discover and use information, create, and select publication venues to disseminate their research. Institution policy makers, grant funders, publishers, researchers and libraries are coming to grips with the flux in OA publishing. What is expected is that OA will secure a growing market share, with major funders pushing OA mandates with timelines and publishers launching new OA versus traditional journals. Libraries have a critical role to play in resolving the complexities resulting from the impending ‘flip’ of journals from subscription to OA. The University of Hong Kong (HKU), being the foremost research institution in Asia, has experienced YOY double digit growth in gold open access publications in recent years. From the collection development perspective, there is an urgent need to understand the trend in research output in order to reassess the resources budget allocation and expenditures to accommodate the needed funding support for OA publishing. This paper presents the strategies adopted by HKU in preparing the budget transition toward OA publishing and to strengthen the library’s negotiating power in securing sustainable big deals that factor in support for researchers to go the OA route. The value for money, challenge and risk of committing in multiyear big deals without accounting for publishing expenditures in OA contents will be discussed. Analytics on research output, journal subscription and article publishing expenditures will be used to inform the bigger picture of funding access to scholarly contents.
Elsevier rachète SSRN, premier réseau de partage de preprint dans les SHS
EPRIST. Elsevier rachète SSRN, premier réseau de partage de preprint dans les SHS. Analyse I/IST-n°18- juin 2016.
Elsevier a annoncé le 17 mai le rachat pour une somme non précisée du réseau social spécialisé SSRN, qui compte 2 millions d’utilisateurs et permet aux chercheurs en sciences sociales, économie le droit de poster et de partager des articles avant publication. Avec 572 000 articles en texte intégral « preprint » dans sa base, SSRN est l’une des principales archives ouvertes et collaboratives dans le domaine des SHS.
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Les revues de sciences humaines et sociales en France: libre accès et audience
Bacache-Beauvallet, Maya, Benhamou, Françoise, Bourreau, Marc. Les revues de sciences humaines et sociales en France: libre accès et audience : Rapport IPP n°11 – Juillet 2015.
Cette étude a pour objet de questionner le bien-fondé de la mise en oeuvre d’un principe de libre accès sur les recherches en sciences humaines et sociales (SHS) en France, à partir d’une étude de ses effets sur la consultation des articles. Il s’agit de savoir si une politique de libre accès améliore la visibilité des recherches ; pour
ce faire, nous étudions l’impact du délai de mise en libre accès sur l’audience des revues. L’étude apporte des éclairages indispensables à la prise de décision au sujet de la diffusion des résultats de la recherche et sur l’effet observé des restrictions d’accès sur l’accès des publics (chercheurs et grand public) à ces résultats.
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Ce rapport est accompagné d’une note : Quel délai pour le libre accès des revues de sciences humaines et sociales en France ?
Economics of scholarly communication in transition
Article publié dans la revue First Monday. Morrison, Heather. 2013. « Economics of Scholarly Communication in Transition ». First Monday 18(6). Consulté juin 5, 2013.
Academic library budgets are the primary source of revenue for scholarly journal publishing. There is more than enough money in the budgets of academic libraries to fund a fully open access scholarly journal publishing system. Seeking efficiencies, such as a reasonable average cost per article, will be key to a successful transition. This paper presents macro–level economic data and analysis illustrating the key factors and potential for cost savings.
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A longitudinal comparison of citation rates and growth among open access journals
Bo-Christer Björk, Mikael Laakso, David Solomon and others (2013). A longitudinal comparison of citation rates and growth among open access journals. Publié sur le site Research on open access publishing le 23 avril 2013. Lire la suite :
Article accepté pour publication dans Journals of Infometrics
The study documents the growth in the number of journals and articles along with the increase in normalized citation rates of open access (OA) journals listed in the Scopus bibliographic database between 1999 and 2010. Longitudinal statistics on growth in journals/articles and citation rates are broken down by funding model, discipline, and whether the journal was launched or had converted to OA. The data were retrieved from the web sites of SCIMago Journal and Country Rank (journal /article counts), JournalM3trics (SNIP2 values), Scopus (journal discipline) and Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) (OA and funding status). OA journals/articles have grown much faster than subscription journals but still make up less that 12% of the journals in Scopus. Two-year citation averages for journals funded by article processing charges (APCs) have reached the same level as subscription journals. Citation averages of OA journals funded by other means continue to lag well behind OA journals funded by APCs and subscription journals. We hypothesize this is less an issue of quality than due to the fact that such journals are commonly published in languages other than English and tend to be located outside the four major publishing countries.
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What’s love got to do with Open Access? Un débat sur l’accès libre aux revues de sciences sociales
Billet de Sabine Partouche et François Siino publié sur le carnet de recherche Carnets de l’Iremam, le 23 avril 2013.
Digital Scholarship : Open Access Publishing Since 1989
Le site Digital Scholarship est édité par Charles W. Bailey, Jr. : il présente de très nombreuses bibliographies réalisées par l’auteur sur l’information numérique, dans le domaine académique :
On pourra y trouver notamment :
– Digital Curation Bibliography : Preservation and Stewardship of Scholarly Works (2012)
– Institutional Repository and ETD Bibliography (2011)
– Transforming Scholarly Publishing through Open Access : A Bibliography (2010)
– Open Access Journals Bibliography (2010)
– Electronic Theses and Dissertations Bibliography (2012)
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Le libre accès en France en 2012: Entre immobilisme et innovation
Article mis en ligne sur @sic le 19 décembre 2012 :
Pour faire l’état des lieux du libre accès (LA) en France en 2012, dix ans après la Budapest Open Access Initiative, nous avons examiné les deux voies : la voie verte (l’auto-archivage) et la voie dorée (publications dans les revues en LA). L’archive centrale multidisciplinaire HAL, créée en 2002 pour recevoir les publications scientifiques au niveau national, est reconnue pour sa qualité technique, mais elle ne propose que 10% à 15 % de la production scientifique annuelle française. Ce chiffre est à l’image de ce qu’offrent toutes les autres archives dans le monde où il n’y a pas d’obligation de déposer (pas de mandat). Les archives qui ont un mandat comme celle de l’université de Liège, ont atteint un taux de 80% en deux ans.
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Finch Fiasco in Figures
Billet posté par Stevan Harnard sur le blog Open Access Archivangelism en juin 2012, suite à la publication du rapport Finch :
The Finch Report, under strong and palpable influence from the publishing lobby, instead of recommending extending and optimizing the UK’s worldwide lead in providing Green OA, cost-free, through institutional and funder self-archiving mandates, has recommended abandoning Green OA and Green OA mandates and instead spending extra money (£50-60 million yearly) on paying publishers’ Gold OA fees as well as a UK blanket national site-license fee to cover whatever is not yet Gold OA (i.e., all the journals that UK institutions currently subscribe to, rather like the “Big Deals” publishers have been successfully negotiating with individual institutions and consortia)
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Expanding access to research publications
Report of the Working Group on Expanding Access to Published Research Findings – the Finch Group, Juin 2012 :
The report of the Working Group chaired by Dame Janet Finch published on 18 June recommends a programme of action to enable more people to read and use the publications arising from research. Better, faster communication of research results will bring benefits for public services and for economic growth. It will also bring improved efficiency for researchers, and opportunities for more public engagement with research. The full report is available for downloading below, along with an executive summary.
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