Archives de catégorie : Libre accès_Open access

The OA Interviews: Harvard’s Stuart Shieber

Billet posté le 3 décembre 2012 sur le blog Open and shut ? de Steven Harnard :

When in 1989 Stuart Shieber became a Harvard faculty member he was, for reasons he never fully understood, appointed to a series of library committees. Whatever the reason for his appointment, it was to prove an educational experience: As he sat through the various committee meetings, Shieber began to see the world through the lens of the library, a perspective that led him to the inevitable conclusion that there was something amiss in the world of scholarly communication.

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The Balanced Value Impact Model

Billet posté le 23 octobre 2012 sur le blog When the Data hits the fan! The blog of Simon Tanner

The Balanced Value Impact Model (BVI Model) draws evidence from a wide range of sources to provide a compelling account of the means of measuring the impact of digital resources and using evidence to advocate how change benefits people. The aim is to provide key information and a strong model for the following primary communities of use: the cultural, heritage, academic or creative industries.

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Open Access + Média sociaux = Avantage concurrentiel

Billet publié le 23 octobre 2012 sur le blog MyScienceWork :

Dans la bataille qui oppose les modèles de publication en Open Access (OA) à ceux des journaux scientifiques traditionnels, l’OA ne devrait pas se contenter de prouver qu’il est aussi bien que son rival : il peut être meilleur et l’utilisation des média sociaux peut lui donner un avantage concurrentiel. C’est ce que pensent Melissa Terras, co-directrice du centre de l’UCL pour les humanités numériques (University College London Centre for Digital Humanities), et Curt Rice, recteur adjoint en charge de la recherche à l’université de Tromsø en Norvège, chercheurs et partisans de l’OA. Par le biais de tweets, d’articles de blog et de riches débats en ligne, on peut maximiser les avantages de l’OA non seulement pour les chercheurs, mais aussi pour les revues qui publient le travail de ces derniers et pour la société en général.

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Budapest Open Access Initiative: recommandations

Billet publié sur le blog La Boussole le 18/09/2012 :

“La Budapest Open Access Initiative a récemment publié 10 recommandations pour faire en sorte que la mise en libre accès des publications “peer-reviewed” soit la “méthode par défaut” pour tous les gouvernements et dans toutes les disciplines d’ici 10 ans.”

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What role will Academic Libraries play in moving towards an open access future ?

Publié sur le site STM Publishing News le 4 septembre 2012 : 

In April, leading independent academic and professional publisher SAGE convened a roundtable in association with the British Library into the role of the academic library in an open access (OA) future. Chaired by publishing consultant Simon Inger and attended by an international panel of 14 senior librarians and other industry experts, the conclusions of this discussion have today been published in a report, “Moving towards an open access future: the role of academic libraries

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OpenAIREplus: the European Scholarly Communication Data Infrastructure

Article paru dans la revue D-Lib :  Manghi, Paolo, Lukasz Bolikowski, Natalia Manold, Jochen Schirrwagen, et Tim Smith. « OpenAIREplus: the European Scholarly Communication Data Infrastructure ». D-Lib Magazine 18, no 9/10 (septembre 2012) :

OpenAIRE and OpenAIREplus (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) are EC funded projects (Dec 2009 — May 2014) whose goals are to realize, enhance, and operate the Open Access European scholarly communication data infrastructure. This paper describes the high-level architecture and functionalities of that infrastructure, including services designed to collect, interlink and provide access to peer-reviewed and non-peer reviewed publications (from repositories), datasets (from dataset archives), and projects of the European Commission and national funding schemes (from CRIS systems).

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Finch Fiasco in Figures

Billet posté par Stevan Harnard sur le blog Open Access Archivangelism en juin 2012, suite à la publication du rapport Finch :

The Finch Report, under strong and palpable influence from the publishing lobby, instead of recommending extending and optimizing the UK’s worldwide lead in providing Green OA, cost-free, through institutional and funder self-archiving mandates, has recommended abandoning Green OA and Green OA mandates and instead spending extra money (£50-60 million yearly) on paying publishers’ Gold OA fees as well as a UK blanket national site-license fee to cover whatever is not yet Gold OA (i.e., all the journals that UK institutions currently subscribe to, rather like the “Big Deals” publishers have been successfully negotiating with individual institutions and consortia)

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Vers des médias numériques en sciences humaines et sociales

Billet publié sur le blog Homo Numéricus en mai 2012 :

Une contri­bu­tion à l’épanouissement de la place des scien­ces humai­nes et socia­les dans les socié­tés contem­po­rai­nes

Je pro­pose l’idée selon laquelle la presse en ligne se com­porte comme un pré­da­teur du Web en géné­ral, et des scien­ces humai­nes et socia­les (SHS) en par­ti­cu­lier [1]. Si les SHS veu­lent plei­ne­ment jouer leur rôle dans l’inter­pré­ta­tion et la com­pré­hen­sion de notre société, elles ne peu­vent pas se per­met­tre de le faire seu­le­ment dans le confort et l’iso­le­ment des murs de l’uni­ver­sité. Elles ont inté­rêt à se doter de leur propre force de pro­jec­tion des idées, c’est-à-dire de leur propre média, au sens noble du terme de pas­seur entre deux mondes.

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Expanding access to research publications

Report of the Working Group on Expanding Access to Published Research Findings – the Finch Group, Juin 2012 :

The report of the Working Group chaired by Dame Janet Finch published on 18 June recommends a programme of action to enable more people to read and use the publications arising from research. Better, faster communication of research results will bring benefits for public services and for economic growth. It will also bring improved efficiency for researchers, and opportunities for more public engagement with research. The full report is available for downloading below, along with an executive summary.

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Pourquoi nous devons nous réapproprier la communication scientifique

Billet publié sur le blog Blogus operandi le 24 mai 2012 :

En 2006, des chercheurs de l’ULB et de l’Université de Toulouse ont formulé des recommandations à la Direction Générale Recherche de la Commission Européenne. Le rapport confirmait les nombreuses critiques de la part des bibliothèques universitaires américaines et européennes, sur les prix de plus en plus élevés et les conditions de moins en moins souples que les éditeurs scientifiques exigent pour les abonnements à des bouquets électroniques de revues scientifiques.

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Lasting Impact: Sustainability of Disciplinary Repositories

Erway, Ricky. Lasting Impact: Sustainability of Disciplinary Repositories. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Research (mars 2012) :

Lasting Impact: Sustainability of Disciplinary Repositories offers a quick environmental scan of the repository landscape and then focuses on disciplinary repositories—those subject-based, often researcher-initiated loci for research information. Seven of these repositories are profiled, with a focus on their varied business models. The report concludes with a discussion of sustainability, including funding models, factors that contribute to a repository’s success, and ways to bring in additional revenue. It is intended to help librarians support researchers in accessing and disseminating research information.

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Open Access institutional archives: a quantitative study (2006-2010)

Nazim, M., & Mukherjee, B. Open Access institutional archives : a quantitative study (2006-2010), 2011. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, pp.317-324 :

Open access publishing is growing in importance, and, in parallel, the role of institutional archives has come to the forefront of discussion within the library community. The present study is an attempt to analyse the present trend of institutional archives worldwide. The factual data of each individual repository was collected from various Directories of Institutional Repositories by using survey method. Data was analysed in terms of quantity of institutional archives increased during last six years, countrywise contents of institutional archives, types of materials archived, subject coverage, software used, language of interface of institutional archives, host domains, and policy of institutional archives. The results of the study suggest healthy growth in terms of quantity of institutional archives’ increase worldwide, however, the development is more prevalent in developed countries than developing countries. The subject analysis of the institutional archives indicates that the contributors in the field of health and medicine are more interested to submit their materials in repositories. Currently the institutional archives mostly house traditional (print-oriented) scholarly publications and grey literature, using DSpace software and most of these materials were of English language. However, the policy of content inclusion, submission and preservation is yet to be well defined in institutional archives.

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