Archives de catégorie : Ressources numériques

The Definition of Reuse

van de Sandt, Stephanie, et al. 2019. « The Definition of Reuse ». Data Science Journal, 18: 22, pp. 1–19. (Crossref), doi:10.5334/dsj-2019-022

The ability to reuse research data is now considered a key benefit for the wider research community. Researchers of all disciplines are confronted with the pressure to share their research data so that it can be reused. The demand for data use and reuse has implications on how we document, publish and share research in the first place, and, perhaps most importantly, it affects how we measure the impact of research, which is commonly a measurement of its use and reuse. It is surprising that research communities, policy makers, etc. have not clearly defined what use and reuse is yet.

We postulate that a clear definition of use and reuse is needed to establish better metrics for a comprehensive scholarly record of individuals, institutions, organizations, etc. Hence, this article presents a first definition of reuse of research data. Characteristics of reuse are identified by examining the etymology of the term and the analysis of the current discourse, leading to a range of reuse scenarios that show the complexity of today’s research landscape, which has been moving towards a data-driven approach. The analysis underlines that there is no reason to distinguish use and reuse. We discuss what that means for possible new metrics that attempt to cover Open Science practices more comprehensively. We hope that the resulting definition will enable a better and more refined strategy for Open Science.

Source : 10.5334/dsj-2019-022



Software Curation in Research Libraries: Practice and Promise

Chassanoff, A., AlNoamany, Y., Thornton, K. and Borghi, J., 2018. Software Curation in Research Libraries: Practice and Promise. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 6(1), p.None. DOI:

INTRODUCTION Research software plays an increasingly vital role in the scholarly record. Academic research libraries are in the early stages of exploring strategies for curating and preserving research software, aiming to facilitate support and services for long-term access and use. DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM In 2016, the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) began offering postdoctoral fellowships in software curation. Four institutions hosted the initial cohort of software curation fellows. This article describes the work activities and research program of the cohort, highlighting the challenges and benefits of doing this exploratory work in research libraries. NEXT STEPS Academic research libraries are poised to play an important role in research and development around robust services for software curation. The next cohort of CLIR fellows is set to begin in fall 2018 and will likely shape and contribute substantially to an emergent research agenda.

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Première étude d’impact de la politique des licences nationales

Inspection générale des bibliothèques, I.G.B. Première étude d’impact de la politique des licences nationales, 2018. Source :

Une double actualité conduit les acteurs de l’Information scientifique et technique à s’interroger sur la notion de « licence nationale ». En effet, le marché conclu par l’ABES et Elsevier pour une durée de cinq ans arrive à échéance le 31 décembre 2018 et le projet Istex financé par le Programme d’investissement d’avenir sera clôturé à la même date. Tous deux sont qualifiés de « licence nationale ». Deux autres dispositifs plus récents recourent également à cette appellation : le Plan de soutien à l’édition scientifique et l’infrastructure de recherche Collex-Persée. Ce rapport retracera dans un premier temps les origines de la politique des licences nationales qui sous-tend ces différentes concrétisations, puis analysera ses composants avant de tenter une définition et un premier bilan.

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Launch of the Open Science Training Handbook

Billet publié sur le site eifl le 9 avril 2018

« The FOSTER (Facilitating Open Science Training for European Research) project has released its Open Science Training Handbook for Open Science instructors and trainers.
The new Handbook is now available as a GitiBook (CC 0 licence). It provides a comprehensive overview of practical resources and tools to support trainers who would like to teach and inspire researchers on Open Science topics. In addition to providing basic information about Open Science, the handbook offers insights into learning and training practices and includes plenty of practical examples and exercises, and a chapter with tips and tricks for organizing open science training events.

Written by 14 authors during a ‘book sprint’ at the German National Library of Science and Technology in Hannover, Germany in February 2018, the handbook aims to support research institutions making the transition to Open Science. It is an important resource for developing open access and open science curricula and teaching methodologies. (…) »

Measuring the impact of piracy and open access on the academic library services

MULLER, Floriane Sophie, IRIARTE, Pablo. Measuring the impact of piracy and open access on the academic library services. In: 15th Interlending and Document Supply Conference (ILDS). Paris. 2017.

The University of Geneva library has seen, like others around the world, a slight but steady decrease in its document delivery service usage for a few years now and this decline also seems to affect the use of the electronic licensed collection. Indeed, 2016 was the first year where usage of licensed journals decreased. How could it be correlated with other actual trends, such as an ever growing open access corpus and an increased visibility of shadow libraries like Sci-Hub? To what resources and services, beside the offer of the library, can our scholars turn when they need an article? In this work we try to reveal and understand the mechanisms that operate behind this gradual disengagement of scholars in our library services. Working a reverse way, we checked in WoS all the papers published in 2015 and 2016 by authors affiliated in Geneva University STM faculties (3’833 and 3’989 articles respectively). Then we extracted all the references cited in those papers (364’445 references, 80% having DOIs) and enriched them with more identifiers, bibliographic data and access information, using bibliographic APIs from CrossRef, NLM, DOAJ and oaDOI for the Open Access corpus, and open data sets from Dryad, figshare and Zenodo for Sci-Hub data. Finally we confronted this cited information to our ILL/DD orders and licensed journals database. This deep comparison gives us a much more informed insight into our scholars’ practices and allows us to measure the impact of piracy and Open Access growth on the academic library services.

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Current Research on Mining Scientific Publications

Herrmannova, Drahomira ; Knoth, Petr. Current Research on Mining Scientific Publications. D-Lib Magazine, September/October 2016, Volume 22, Number 9/10.

The articles in this issue of D-Lib Magazine were selected from papers presented at the 5th International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications (WOSP 2016) organised by the Open University and OpenMinTed. The workshop was held in conjunction with the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2016) in Newark, just outside of New York city. The workshop was organised by the Open University for the fifth time and featured a variety of speakers from academia and industry who presented their text and data mining research and results.

In a peer-review process the programme committee selected five long papers and four short papers to be part of this D-Lib issue. The papers can be divided into three general topics: semantic enrichment (two papers), tools and datasets (two papers) and citation analysis and research impact (five papers).

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Altmetrics: medición de la influencia de los medios en el impacto social de la investigación

Alonso-Arévalo, Julio and Cordón-García, José-Antonio and Maltrás-Barba, Bruno Altmetrics: medición de la influencia de los medios en el impacto social de la investigación. Cuadernos de Documentación Multimedia, 2016, vol. 27, n. 1.

Social media is changing the way we interact, present ideas and information and judge the quality of content and contributions. In recent years there have been hundreds of platforms to freely share all kinds of information and connect across networks. These new tools generate activity statistics and interactions among users such as mentions, retweets, conversations, comments on blogs or Facebook; managers references showing popularity ratings of more references shared by other researchers or repositories that generate statistics of visits or downloads of articles. This paper analyzes that have meaning and implications altmetrics, what are its advantages and critical platforms (, ImpactStory, Plos altmetrics, PlumX), reports progress and benefits for authors, publishers and librarians. It concluded that the value of alternative metrics as a complementary tool citation analysis is evident, although it is suggested that you should dig deeper into this issue to unravel the meaning and the potential value of these indicators to assess their potential.

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Academic publisher costs in Finland 2010-2015

Academic publisher costs in Finland 2010-2015, Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland and its Open Science and Research Initiative 2014-2017.

It is rational to collect publisher costs all at once and in aggregate form, so that the benefits obtained would be as large as possible. Transparency of the subscription prices reveal the costs of the publishing model that is based on subscription payments. Author publication charges (APC) were not possible to survey for the present due to too eclectic practices, but it is estimated that in Finland they amount to a total of at least EUR 1 million per year. In the future also APCs will be surveyed more precisely.

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Baromètre de l’accessibilité numérique en bibliothèque – 2016

PixFL et Tosca consultants. Baromètre de l’accessibilité numérique en bibliothèque – 2016 [en ligne]. Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication – Direction générale des médias et des industries culturelles / Service du livre et de la lecture, 10 mai 2016
Disponible sur le Web :

Description : Dans le prolongement de l’étude 2014 visant à évaluer le niveau de prise en compte du RGAA par les portails de bibliothèque du territoire national, le Service du livre et de la lecture (SLL – Ministère de la culture et de la communication / Direction générale des Médias et des Industries culturelles) a souhaité reconduire le baromètre de l’accessibilité numérique en lecture publique, en l’appliquant à trois volets :
1er volet : baromètre de l’accessibilité des sites web et portails de bibliothèques ;
2ᵉ volet : baromètre de l’accessibilité des opacs ;
3ᵉ volet : baromètre de l’accessibilité des ressources numériques.
Ce baromètre, dont la mise en œuvre a été confiée à la société Tosca consultants, est réalisé en partenariat avec la Fulbi (Fédération des Utilisateurs de Logiciels pour Bibliothèques, Information & Documentation) pour le 2e volet, avec l’association RéseauCarel pour le 3e volet, avec la Bibliothèque nationale de France, la Bibliothèque publique d’information ainsi que l’Association Valentin Haüy (AVH) et BrailleNet pour leur expertise sur les questions d’accès au livre et à l’information des publics empêchés de lire du fait d’un handicap.
Chacun des trois volets a fait l’objet d’une sélection de sites et de ressources, et de protocoles spécifiques, validés par le comité de pilotage.
Les résultats de ce baromètre sont désormais approuvés par le comité de pilotage.

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Presse et numérique – L’invention d’un nouvel écosystème

Charon, Jean-Marie. Presse et numérique – L’invention d’un nouvel écosystème [en ligne]. Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, juin 2015 [consulté le 21 avril 2016]. Disponible sur le Web :

La presse écrite et l’édition numérique d’information sont au coeur de la mutation des moyens de communication. Le rapport dresse un panorama du nouveau paysage de la presse, analyse les nouveaux métiers de la presse, présente les nouveaux acteurs (informaticiens, codeurs, graphistes, designers, spécialistes du Data…) et propose un état des lieux du secteur pour permettre aux acteurs politiques de mieux cibler leurs interventions.

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Enjeux de la patrimonialisation et de la réutilisation des données qualitatives de la recherche en Sciences humaines et sociales

Fayet Montagne, Camille. Enjeux de la patrimonialisation et de la réutilisation des données qualitatives de la recherche en Sciences humaines et sociales. Villeurbanne : Enssib, 2015. Mémoire de Master 2 recherche . Collection : Mémoires Master “Archives numériques” .

Les archives de la recherche sont par nature passionnantes puisqu’elles permettent de comprendre comment les découvertes se font et comment la science évolue de jour en jour. L’arrivée du numérique a fait surgir de nouvelles possibilités pour la diffusion notamment de ces données, mais aussi de nouveaux challenges, en termes d’archivage entre autres. L’archivage, le partage et la réutilisation des données qualitatives des SHS soulèvent de nombreuses questions et les différents acteurs concernés, les professionnels de l’IST et les chercheurs, peuvent avoir des avis divergents. Comprendre les points de vue de chacun et déterminer dans quelle mesure celles-ci peuvent être compatibles sont les enjeux de ce mémoire.

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The Costs of Publishing Monographs: Toward a Transparent Methodology

Nancy L. Maron. The Costs of Publishing Monographs: Toward a Transparent Methodology. Ithaka S+R. February 5, 2016.

The University Press business model faces numerous challenges today, with revenues under pressure due to a host of factors, from the decline of bricks-and-mortar stores and shifting library purchase patterns to the still emerging distribution and revenue models made possible by digital books. Over the last few years, certain forces have emerged and intensified—federal mandates for Open Access, declining sales reach, and the desire of university presses to build a greater audience for scholarly works—encouraging university presses to seriously consider what it would take to make their scholarly monographs openly available. While there have been numerous efforts to understand the costs of publishing a scholarly monograph, this study is unique in that we worked with an advisory group of university press publishers to identify all of the cost components in scholarly monographic publishing and to work with a wide variety of university presses to calculate their costs of each of those components in a bottom-up fashion.

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Correlación entre indicadores bibliométricos en revistas de Web of Science y Scopus

Salvador-Oliván, José-Antonio and Agustín-Lacruz, María-Del-Carmen Correlación entre indicadores bibliométricos en revistas de Web of Science y Scopus. Revista General de Información y Documentación, 2015, vol. 25, n. 2, pp. 341-359.

This article compares the correlation between bibliometric indicators obtained from journals indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) and Scopusdatabases in 2013. Indicators selected for analysis include impact factor (FI), 5-year impact factor (5yrFI), Inmediacy index, Eigenfactor Score (EF), Article Influence Score (AIS), SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), cites/docs 2 years (FIScopus), h-index, Impact Per publication (IPP) and Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP).From 10700 journals listed in both databases,9657 for analysis were selected because they contained all indicators.Correlations were determined for each pair of indicators and were tested with Spearman’s rho. The results shown that the correlations between several indicators are high and that they exhibit similar values in science and social sciences, providing evidence of convergent validity. Only H-index presented the lowest values providing complementaryinformation to other indicators.

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Future Libraries : Workshops Summary and Emerging Insights

Future Libraries : Workshops Summary and Emerging Insights. ARUP, 2015.

This report brings to light significant trends that will influence the future of public, academic and corporate libraries and outlines the implications on their design, operation and user experience. It is the result of a collective exploration through series of workshop events held in London, Melbourne, San Francisco and Sydney, attended by experts in the design and management of libraries. This piece of research presents a glimpse into the future. It explores what we may expect to see as the physical and the digital arena continues to evolve and aims to serve as a foundation for further discussion around the future role of libraries in the communities they serve.

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Mieux partager l’information scientifique pour mieux partager les connaissances : Résultats de l’Enquête sur les usages et les besoins d’IST des Unités de recherche Réalisée auprès des Directrices et Directeurs d’Unités du CNRS

Direction de l’information scientifique et technique (CNRS). Mieux partager l’information scientifique pour mieux partager les connaissances : Résultats de l’Enquête sur les usages et les besoins d’IST des Unités de recherche Réalisée auprès des Directrices et Directeurs d’Unités du CNRS. Mars 2015, 73 p.

A l’heure où la France fait le choix de préparer une loi numérique, le CNRS rassemble dans ce cadre un ensemble de contributions sur les pratiques et le positionnement numérique de la recherche. Ces démarches s’appuient sur la “mission nationale”1 du CNRS en matière d’information scientifique et technique (IST), et sur son rôle moteur dans la publication scientifique.

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