Archives de catégorie : Pratiques informationnelles

Lost or found? Discovering data needed for research

Gregory, Kathleen, et al. « Lost or found? Discovering data needed for research ». arXiv:1909.00464 [cs], septembre 2019.,

Finding or discovering data is a necessary precursor to being able to reuse data, although relatively little large-scale empirical evidence exists about how researchers discover, make sense of and (re)use data for research. This study presents evidence from the largest known survey investigating how researchers discover and use data that they do not create themselves. We examine the data needs and discovery strategies of respondents, propose a typology for data (re)use and probe the role of social interactions and other research practices in data discovery, with the aim of informing the design of community-centric solutions and policies.

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Pratiques et perceptions de la bibliothèque par les enseignants/es chercheurs/ses

Goletto, Véronique. Pratiques et perceptions de la bibliothèque par les enseignants/es chercheurs/ses.  Mémoire d’étude DCB. Villeubanne : enssib, 2018, 93 p. (Mémoire d’étude DCB).

Les enseignants/es chercheurs/ses entretiennent des rapports variés avec les bibliothèques, qu’il s’agisse de leurs propres usages ou de celui de leurs étudiants/es. Quelle place la bibliothèque occupe-t-elle dans les enjeux de transmission dont elle est partie prenante ? Ce mémoire étudie les perceptions et pratiques de la bibliothèque par des enseignants/es chercheurs/ses pour envisager la manière dont les unes peuvent évoluer avec les autres.

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Measuring the impact of piracy and open access on the academic library services

MULLER, Floriane Sophie, IRIARTE, Pablo. Measuring the impact of piracy and open access on the academic library services. In: 15th Interlending and Document Supply Conference (ILDS). Paris. 2017.

The University of Geneva library has seen, like others around the world, a slight but steady decrease in its document delivery service usage for a few years now and this decline also seems to affect the use of the electronic licensed collection. Indeed, 2016 was the first year where usage of licensed journals decreased. How could it be correlated with other actual trends, such as an ever growing open access corpus and an increased visibility of shadow libraries like Sci-Hub? To what resources and services, beside the offer of the library, can our scholars turn when they need an article? In this work we try to reveal and understand the mechanisms that operate behind this gradual disengagement of scholars in our library services. Working a reverse way, we checked in WoS all the papers published in 2015 and 2016 by authors affiliated in Geneva University STM faculties (3’833 and 3’989 articles respectively). Then we extracted all the references cited in those papers (364’445 references, 80% having DOIs) and enriched them with more identifiers, bibliographic data and access information, using bibliographic APIs from CrossRef, NLM, DOAJ and oaDOI for the Open Access corpus, and open data sets from Dryad, figshare and Zenodo for Sci-Hub data. Finally we confronted this cited information to our ILL/DD orders and licensed journals database. This deep comparison gives us a much more informed insight into our scholars’ practices and allows us to measure the impact of piracy and Open Access growth on the academic library services.

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The Library in the Life of the User: Engaging with People Where They Live and Learn

Connaway, Lynn Silipigni, comp. 2015. The Library in the Life of the User: Engaging with People Where They Live and Learn. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Research.

As Lorcan Dempsey has stated, it is important to think of the library in the life of the user and not the user in the life of the library. The findings included in this report illustrate how some behaviors have changed as new technologies emerge while other behaviors remain constant. We have heard from our study participants time and time again that there are more convenient and familiar ways of getting information today than from the traditional library, usually discovered through a web browser, including freely available resources, such as Wikipedia; human resources; and library resources. We also have learned that the context of the information need influences how and why people engage with technology and make their information choices. Convenience often is the reason expressed for the choices that people make about technology, and about the information and resources they use. Convenient does not necessarily mean simple since individuals constantly are evaluating and assessing the importance and necessity of their information needs. This represents a fluid and ever-changing process, which makes it difficult to identify the one perfect way to provide information and services; making the saying, one size fits none, a reality.

This compilation will be of interest to librarians, information scientists and library and information science students and researchers as they think about new ways to provide user-centered library services and to conduct research that will inform practice in ways to engage and build relationships with users and potential users. We suggest that as they peruse it, they think of how we, as librarians, can provide services and systems that will complement the ways individuals, work, live and learn. Is this possible, or is it taking on more than we have the capacity to do, especially in the current environment of limited resources and budgets? And, ultimately, is this something that we have an interest in pursuing?

This work represents more than a decade of collaborative work with colleagues from The Ohio State University and Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, with funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), and with Jisc, in collaboration with Oxford University and the University of North Carolina, Charlotte. It is part of our user studies theme, in which we study the ways in which individuals engage with technology; how they seek, access, contribute, and use information; and how and why they demonstrate these behaviors and do what they do. The goal of this work is to provide the library community with behavioral evidence about individuals’ perceptions, habits and requirements to ensure that the design of future library services is all about the user.

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Mieux partager l’information scientifique pour mieux partager les connaissances : Résultats de l’Enquête sur les usages et les besoins d’IST des Unités de recherche Réalisée auprès des Directrices et Directeurs d’Unités du CNRS

Direction de l’information scientifique et technique (CNRS). Mieux partager l’information scientifique pour mieux partager les connaissances : Résultats de l’Enquête sur les usages et les besoins d’IST des Unités de recherche Réalisée auprès des Directrices et Directeurs d’Unités du CNRS. Mars 2015, 73 p.

A l’heure où la France fait le choix de préparer une loi numérique, le CNRS rassemble dans ce cadre un ensemble de contributions sur les pratiques et le positionnement numérique de la recherche. Ces démarches s’appuient sur la “mission nationale”1 du CNRS en matière d’information scientifique et technique (IST), et sur son rôle moteur dans la publication scientifique.

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Scholarly communication within the Library

Taylor & Francis group. Scholarly communication within the Library, juin 2014.

In October 2013, Taylor & Francis commissioned research to examine specifically how libraries can meet user needs and expectations.

The research explored the correlation between physical and virtual library spaces, and any impacts this might have for students and faculty using the library’s resources.

It also examined the extent to which marketing efforts were conducted in libraries and how publishers can help enhance the library/end-user experience.

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Livre numérique : L’usage peut-il être le moteur de la politique documentaire ? Comparaison France États-Unis

Le Torrec, Mélanie, Nguyen, Claire (dir.). Livre numérique : L’usage peut-il être le moteur de la politique documentaire ? Comparaison France États-Unis. Mémoire d’études, diplôme de conservateur de bibliothèques. Villeubanne : Enssib, 2014.

La politique documentaire du livre numérique est un sujet neuf en bibliothèque universitaire. Objet documentaire hybride, le livre numérique évolue dans un écosystème mouvant. L’acculturation des personnels et des usagers progresse doucement. Pour mieux comprendre son utilisation, par les professionnels et les usagers, 25 bibliothécaires d’établissements de l’enseignement supérieur rançais ont accepté de partager leur expérience de ce nouveau support. Il ressort de ces échanges que le livre numérique ne s’accommode pas des politiques documentaires mises en oeuvre pour les collections de livres imprimées et les revues électroniques. Son intégration en bibliothèque appelle un changement de paradigme, pour fonder une stratégie documentaire plus qu’une politique. Outre-Atlantique, les bibliothèques universitaires se confrontent au marché du livre numérique, en testant des programmes d’acquisitions pilotées par l’usage. Ces méthodes d’acquisitions sont des outils pour appréhender les besoins des lecteurs et concevoir des collections « dynamiques ». Leur déploiement laisse à penser que l’usage pourrait alimenter la stratégie documentaire du livre numérique.

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What Do Researchers Need ? Feedback On Use of Online Primary Source Materials

DeRidder Jody L. et Matheny Kathryn G., 2014, « What Do Researchers Need? Feedback On Use of Online Primary Source Materials », D-Lib Magazine, juillet 2014, vol. 20, no 7/8.

Cultural heritage institutions are increasingly providing online access to primary source materials for researchers. While the intent is to enable round-the-clock access from any location, few studies have examined the extent to which current web delivery is meeting the needs of users. Careful use of limited resources requires intelligent assessment of researcher needs in comparison to the actual online presentation, including access, retrieval and usage options. In the hopes of impacting future delivery methods and access development, this article describes the results of a qualitative study of 11 humanities faculty researchers at the University of Alabama, who describe and rate the importance of various issues encountered when using 29 participant-selected online databases.

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Nouveau cadre de référence de l’Association of College and Research Libraries

Simarst Par, Le nouveau cadre de référence de l’Association of College and Research Libraries,, consulté le 7 juillet 2014.

Le 17 juin dernier, l’Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL, 2014) propose un nouveau cadre de référence pour le développement de compétences informationnelles en pédagogie universitaire. Ce cadre vise à élargir le référentiel normatif de compétences informationnelles adopté en l’an 2000 pour associer au construit « compétences informationnelles » six concepts-seuils qui faciliteraient un dialogue interdisciplinaire entre les bibliothécaires et le reste de la communauté universitaire. En fait, le nouveau cadre pour le développement de compétences informationnelles de l’ACRL s’éloigne de la visée technicienne et pragmatique des normes de compétences informationnelles utilisées antérieurement pour stimuler une réflexion qui se veut davantage adaptée aux nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC). L’utilisation de concepts-seuils dans l’articulation du nouveau cadre de référence s’inscrit dans une volonté des bibliothécaires de soutenir une transformation des comportements documentaires des étudiants et de leurs attitudes envers les TIC en général.

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Library Catalog Log Analysis in E-Book Patron-Driven Acquisitions (PDA) : A Case Study

Urbano Cristóbal, Zhang Yin, Downey Kay et Klingler Thomas, « Library Catalog Log Analysis in E-Book Patron-Driven Acquisitions (PDA) : A Case Study », College & Research Libraries, 1 mai 2014, p. crl14‑592.

Patron-Driven Acquisitions (PDA) is a new model used for e-book acquisition by academic libraries. A key component of this model is to make records of e-books available in a library catalog and let actual patron usage decide whether or not an item is purchased. However, there has been a lack of research examining the role of the library catalog as a tool for e-book discovery and use in PDA. This paper presents a case study of using PDA for e-book acquisition in an academic library, with a focus on the role of the library catalog in this purchasing model. The implications and challenges are also discussed.

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Faculty information and research needs : A Qualitative Study of Lesley University and Episcopal Divinity School Faculty

Rapport publié le 3 juin 2013 sur le site Scholarship at Lesley, Lesley University Library repository. Faculty information and research needs : A Qualitative Study of Lesley University and Episcopal Divinity School Faculty.

In the summer of 2011, the Library Assessment Workgroup began an investigation into the Lesley University and Episcopal Divinity School faculties’ information needs for research and teaching. By exploring faculty members’ perceptions of the library, and behaviors as researchers and instructors, we hoped to discern how well the library addresses their needs. The resulting project is a qualitative analysis of Lesley University and Episcopal Divinity School faculty members’ use of the library in the research and instruction process. Through twenty-five interviews and 3 focus groups, we studied the information-seeking strategies of forty members of the faculties. The examination focused on three areas: faculty research habits, student research required by the faculty, and faculty perceptions of student research strategies and results.

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UK Survey of Academics 2012

Publié sur DocuTicker, le 21 mai 2013 : Ithaka S+R | Jisc | RLUK: UK Survey of Academics 2012, May 16, 2013.
Scholarly communications is changing, and changing rapidly. Technological developments have expanded the potential range of dissemination of research and the delivery mechanisms, with researchers expecting any-time, anywhere access. Technology also allows for an expansion of the types of material that can be readily shared–not just articles and monographs, but datasets and software. Policy developments are increasingly focussing on issues surrounding openness, wider public engagement and impact. Funders worldwide are looking to maximise the investment they make in research and are expressing views on how research outputs are shared. The sociology of scholarly communication is also changing. While the importance of ‘formal’ communication through journal articles and monographs is undimmed, there is an increasing use of ‘informal’ channels with ever greater traffic through blogs, wikis, Twitter and even press releases.

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Scholars information behaviour in the electronic environment / Web analytics: how to collect and analyse internet data for understanding and optimizing web usage

Conférence  d’Angel Borrego, enseignant chercheur de l’Université de Catalogne à Barcelone, donnée à l’enssib dans le cadre du cycle “Bibliothèques & international” publié le 26 mars 2013 sur la bibliothèque numérique de l’enssib :

Document audio d’une durée de 2h 23m 39s


Pratiques documentaires numériques à l’université

Ouvrage en libre accès publié par les presses de l’Enssib en 2012, sous la direction de Ghislaine Chartron, Benoît Epron et Annaig Mahé :

L’ouvrage fait le point sur une décennie de pratiques informationnelles numériques des chercheurs dans l’enseignement supérieur.

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Les chercheurs de demain: une étude du JISC sur les pratiques informationnelles des doctorants

Billet publié sur le blog Urfist Info le 16 juillet 2012 :

Le JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) en partenariat avec la British Library vient de publier une étude incontournable pour ceux qui s’occupent des formations doctorales et/ou qui s’intéressent à l’évolution des pratiques informationnelles et numériques dans le milieu de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur.

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