Archives de catégorie : Catalogues et portails

Cataloguing, knowledge and power

Cridford, Thomas J. Cataloguing, knowledge and power. Journal of Radical Librarianship, 2019, vol. 5, pp. 61-83.

This paper seeks to unpick the changing perceptions of the concepts contained in its title and investigate some of the relationships between them. It does this by exploring the history of modern cataloguing from the mid 1800s to the present day. It is argued that over the nineteenth and twentieth centuries cataloguing developments took place predominantly in the library world and, understood through the principles of European Enlightenment thought, catalogues were perceived to provide the public with access to external knowledge and thus empower them. It then identifies technological, cultural and ideological developments in the twentieth century, notably the rise of ‘postmodernism’, as challenges to both the primacy of library catalogues and the tradition of Enlightenment thought within which they were conceived. Finally, it argues that corporate digital companies are now at the forefront of cataloguing and explores the way in which the public have become the subject of these catalogues. Drawing upon Foucauldian theory, it is suggested that rather than allowing knowledge and power to flow to the public these catalogues enable corporate and government bodies to hold it over the public and use it to influence their lives in unprecedented ways.

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Impact of library discovery technologies : a report for UKSG

Impact of library discovery technologies : a report for UKSG / Valérie Spezi, Claire Creaser, Ann O’Brien, Angela Conyers.

The goals of the study were:

  • To evaluate the impact that library discovery technologies (such as link resolvers and web-scale resource discovery services) have on the use of academic resources
  • To provide evidence to determine if there is a case for (a) investment in discovery technologies by libraries and (b) engagement with library discovery technologies by publishers and others in the academic information supply chain (unless no positive impact is found, in which case to provide evidence to this effect)
  • To provide recommendations for actions that libraries, publishers and others in the academic information supply chain should take to engage with such technologies to best support the discovery of resources for teaching, learning and research
  • To identify additional research, data, discussion, initiatives or other activities required that will support the implementation of the findings of this study.

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Library Catalog Log Analysis in E-Book Patron-Driven Acquisitions (PDA) : A Case Study

Urbano Cristóbal, Zhang Yin, Downey Kay et Klingler Thomas, « Library Catalog Log Analysis in E-Book Patron-Driven Acquisitions (PDA) : A Case Study », College & Research Libraries, 1 mai 2014, p. crl14‑592.

Patron-Driven Acquisitions (PDA) is a new model used for e-book acquisition by academic libraries. A key component of this model is to make records of e-books available in a library catalog and let actual patron usage decide whether or not an item is purchased. However, there has been a lack of research examining the role of the library catalog as a tool for e-book discovery and use in PDA. This paper presents a case study of using PDA for e-book acquisition in an academic library, with a focus on the role of the library catalog in this purchasing model. The implications and challenges are also discussed.

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Rapport d’orientation consacrée à l’information bibliographique et numérique

Billet publié sur les le 20/12/2012

La BnF (Bibliothèque nationale de France) vient de mettre en ligne, en collaboration avec l’ABES (Agence bibliographique de l’enseignement supérieur), un document intitulé “Rapport d’orientation pour le Comité stratégique bibliographique“.

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Compte rendu du séminaire – Le document sonore – Quel avenir pour les catalogues de bibliothèques ?

Compte-rendu de séminaire  par Nadine Dardenne publié sur le site du TGE-Adonis le  le 20 décembre 2011,

Pascal Cordereix, responsable du service des archives sonores de la Bnf, spécialiste des archives de la parole, nous a présenté l’objet numérique sonore sous l’angle de l’évolution des méthodes de catalogage.

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Une étude d’OCLC sur les métadonnées sociales

Article de Pierre Moison dans Enssibrèves publié le 27 octobre 2011,

Dans le cadre de ses programmes de recherche en partenariat avec les bibliothèques, OCLC vient de publier la première d’une série de trois vastes études internationales consacrées aux métadonnées sociales.

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W3C Incubator Group Report on Library Linked Data Published

Article de Peter Murray dans Disruptive Library Technology Jester publié le 25 octobre 2011,

 This morning the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) announced the publication of the final report of the Library Linked Data Incubator Group. The abstract is reproduced below.

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Vidéo sur l’archivage du Web et la coopération internationale

Vidéo sur l’archivage du Web et la coopération internationale signalée dans “les actualités professionnelles” de la BNF

A l’occasion de l’assemblée générale du consortium international pour la préservation d’Internet (IIPC) en mai 2011 à laquelle a participé la BnF, une vidéo a été réalisée qui permet de découvrir les enjeux de l’archivage du Web.

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