Archives de catégorie : Bibliothèques Numériques

Les coopérations entre chercheurs et bibliothécaires dans le cadre des projets de numérisation de corpus documentaires

Pastore, Graziella. Les coopérations entre chercheurs et bibliothécaires dans le cadre des projets de numérisation de corpus documentaires. Villeurbanne, ENSSIB, 2018. ( Mémoire d’étude DCB).

Depuis quelques années, le milieu de la recherche, des bibliothèques et des institutions culturelles porte une attention de plus en plus marquée à l’étude de corpus documentaires, à leur numérisation et à leur exploitation. Les projets de numérisation de corpus reposent sur l’établissement de partenariats, de collaborations ou de contacts plus ou moins étroits entre institutions patrimoniales et de recherche (laboratoires de recherche, archives, bibliothèques, musées, maisons de sciences de l’homme, etc.) et s’adressent à un public varié (chercheurs, étudiants, “grand public”). S’appuyant sur un état des lieux préliminaire et sur les résultats d’une double enquête menée auprès des bibliothécaires et des chercheurs, ce travail souhaite examiner cette situation composite, présenter comment ces projets se construisent et évoluent, les possibles coopérations entre chercheurs et professionnels des bibliothèques, ainsi que le point de vue des chercheurs et des bibliothécaires, afin de repérer les bonnes pratiques à encourager ou à développer, mais aussi les pièges à éviter.

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Rapport de l’Inspection générale des bibliothèques 2017

France. Inspection générale des bibliothèques. Rapport de l’Inspection générale des bibliothèques 2017.

S’inscrivant dans le cadre de la lettre de mission 2016-2017, le présent rapport d’activité présente les conclusions de six études thématiques, de quatre rapports consacrés à des services documentaires d’établissements d’enseignement supérieur, de 13 portant sur des bibliothèques de collectivités territoriales et de trois concernant la politique documentaire d’établissements publics.

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Current Research on Mining Scientific Publications

Herrmannova, Drahomira ; Knoth, Petr. Current Research on Mining Scientific Publications. D-Lib Magazine, September/October 2016, Volume 22, Number 9/10.

The articles in this issue of D-Lib Magazine were selected from papers presented at the 5th International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications (WOSP 2016) organised by the Open University and OpenMinTed. The workshop was held in conjunction with the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2016) in Newark, just outside of New York city. The workshop was organised by the Open University for the fifth time and featured a variety of speakers from academia and industry who presented their text and data mining research and results.

In a peer-review process the programme committee selected five long papers and four short papers to be part of this D-Lib issue. The papers can be divided into three general topics: semantic enrichment (two papers), tools and datasets (two papers) and citation analysis and research impact (five papers).

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Le Schéma numérique de la BnF

BnF | direction des services et des réseaux, délégation à la communication, mars 2016. Le Schéma numérique de la BnF.

Tourné vers l’avenir, ce document reflète et alimente également la dynamique d’innovation de l’établissement en lien avec ses publics et ses partenaires. S’esquisse une ambition numérique qui répond aux enjeux contemporains en matière d’accueil, d’adaptation, de développement de savoir-faire de référence, ou encore d’inscription dans une économie du savoir évolutive. Une vision d’avenir offre un écho à cette ambition : dans le tableau qu’elle dresse, Gallica est le creuset de tous les savoirs et de tous les publics, les données sont produites et partagées selon une logique collaborative et selon un principe d’ouverture, et des outils de coopération plus nombreux favorisent toujours davantage la mutualisation des ressources.

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Future Libraries : Workshops Summary and Emerging Insights

Future Libraries : Workshops Summary and Emerging Insights. ARUP, 2015.

This report brings to light significant trends that will influence the future of public, academic and corporate libraries and outlines the implications on their design, operation and user experience. It is the result of a collective exploration through series of workshop events held in London, Melbourne, San Francisco and Sydney, attended by experts in the design and management of libraries. This piece of research presents a glimpse into the future. It explores what we may expect to see as the physical and the digital arena continues to evolve and aims to serve as a foundation for further discussion around the future role of libraries in the communities they serve.

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Amplifying the Impact of Open Access: Wikipedia and the Diffusion of Science

Teplitskiy, Misha; Lu, Grace; Duede, Eamon. Amplifying the Impact of Open Access: Wikipedia and the Diffusion of Science. arXiv:1506.07608.

With the rise of Wikipedia as a first-stop source for scientific knowledge, it is important to compare its representation of that knowledge to that of the academic literature. This article approaches such a comparison through academic references made within the worlds 50 largest Wikipedias. Previous studies have raised concerns that Wikipedia editors may simply use the most easily accessible academic sources rather than sources of the highest academic status. We test this claim by identifying the 250 most heavily used journals in each of 26 research fields (4,721 journals, 19.4M articles in total) indexed by the Scopus database, and modeling whether topic, academic status, and accessibility make articles from these journals more or less likely to be referenced on Wikipedia. We find that, controlling for field and impact factor, the odds that an open access journal is referenced on the English Wikipedia are 47% higher compared to closed access journals. Moreover, in most of the worlds Wikipedias a journals high status (impact factor) and accessibility (open access policy) both greatly increase the probability of referencing. Among the implications of this study is that the chief effect of open access policies may be to significantly amplify the diffusion of science, through an intermediary like Wikipedia, to a broad public audience.

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Scholarly communication within the Library

Taylor & Francis group. Scholarly communication within the Library, juin 2014.

In October 2013, Taylor & Francis commissioned research to examine specifically how libraries can meet user needs and expectations.

The research explored the correlation between physical and virtual library spaces, and any impacts this might have for students and faculty using the library’s resources.

It also examined the extent to which marketing efforts were conducted in libraries and how publishers can help enhance the library/end-user experience.

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Livre numérique : L’usage peut-il être le moteur de la politique documentaire ? Comparaison France États-Unis

Le Torrec, Mélanie, Nguyen, Claire (dir.). Livre numérique : L’usage peut-il être le moteur de la politique documentaire ? Comparaison France États-Unis. Mémoire d’études, diplôme de conservateur de bibliothèques. Villeubanne : Enssib, 2014.

La politique documentaire du livre numérique est un sujet neuf en bibliothèque universitaire. Objet documentaire hybride, le livre numérique évolue dans un écosystème mouvant. L’acculturation des personnels et des usagers progresse doucement. Pour mieux comprendre son utilisation, par les professionnels et les usagers, 25 bibliothécaires d’établissements de l’enseignement supérieur rançais ont accepté de partager leur expérience de ce nouveau support. Il ressort de ces échanges que le livre numérique ne s’accommode pas des politiques documentaires mises en oeuvre pour les collections de livres imprimées et les revues électroniques. Son intégration en bibliothèque appelle un changement de paradigme, pour fonder une stratégie documentaire plus qu’une politique. Outre-Atlantique, les bibliothèques universitaires se confrontent au marché du livre numérique, en testant des programmes d’acquisitions pilotées par l’usage. Ces méthodes d’acquisitions sont des outils pour appréhender les besoins des lecteurs et concevoir des collections « dynamiques ». Leur déploiement laisse à penser que l’usage pourrait alimenter la stratégie documentaire du livre numérique.

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IFLA 2014 eLending Background Paper

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 30 juillet 2014. IFLA 2014 eLending Background Paper.

 Issues addressed in the updated eLending paper include:

  • In acknowledgement of the differing interpretations of what is an eBook, reflected in the vastly differing holdings and use statistics reported by libraries, definitions of “eBook” and “eLending” are proposed.
  • Recent trends in the publishing and distribution of ebooks are reviewed
  • Library advocacy efforts with publishers and governments are described
  • Relevant court rulings on digital exhaustion governing how libraries can acquire and deploy eBooks are analysed.

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What Do Researchers Need ? Feedback On Use of Online Primary Source Materials

DeRidder Jody L. et Matheny Kathryn G., 2014, « What Do Researchers Need? Feedback On Use of Online Primary Source Materials », D-Lib Magazine, juillet 2014, vol. 20, no 7/8.

Cultural heritage institutions are increasingly providing online access to primary source materials for researchers. While the intent is to enable round-the-clock access from any location, few studies have examined the extent to which current web delivery is meeting the needs of users. Careful use of limited resources requires intelligent assessment of researcher needs in comparison to the actual online presentation, including access, retrieval and usage options. In the hopes of impacting future delivery methods and access development, this article describes the results of a qualitative study of 11 humanities faculty researchers at the University of Alabama, who describe and rate the importance of various issues encountered when using 29 participant-selected online databases.

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The Right to E‐read : Position Paper and Statement

EBLIDA: European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations, “The Right to E‐read Position Paper and Statement”, 5 juin 2014

This paper, successor to the EBLIDA paper “E-Publishing and the Challenges for Libraries”, focuses on the issue of e-books and their availability through libraries.

The current developments in the e-books market are dramatically changing the way libraries are working. As well as giving access to a wide range of content from scientific to entertainment literature in all tangible formats (books, CDs, DVDs), since the 1990’s libraries have provided access to content in electronic formats, firstly for journals and now e-books. Initially these developments occurred mainly in academic libraries but nowadays public libraries are very much involved as well. Libraries are in the midst of a transition from managing physical collections that they own to managing connections to e-content provided and owned by others.

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Top trends in academic libraries

Top trends in academic libraries : A review of the trends and issues affecting academic libraries in higher education / ACRL Research Planning and Review Committee, College & Research Libraries News, vol. 75, no. 6, June 2014, p. 294-302.

Every other year, the ACRL Research Planning and Review Committee produces a document on top trends in academic libraries. This year, after numerous discussions and literature reviews, the committee decided upon a unifying theme for current trends: deeper collaboration. The committee found examples of either recent library collaborations or current collaborations within higher education that we believe could benefit from library participation. We focus on the following large categories within higher education: data, device neutral digital services, evolving openness in higher education, student success initiatives, competency-based learning, altmetrics, and digital humanities.

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Research libraries’ new role in research data management, current trends and visions in Denmark

Article publié dans la revue LIBER Quarterly : the journal of the association of research libraries, Vol 23, No 4 (2014) par Filip Kruse, Jesper Boserup Thestrup.

The amount of research data is growing constantly, due to new technology with new potentials for collecting and analysing both digital data and research objects. This growth creates a demand for a coherent IT-infrastructure. Such an infrastructure must be able to provide facilities for storage, preservation and a more open access to data in order to fulfil the demands from the researchers themselves, the research councils and research foundations.

This paper presents the findings of a research project carried out under the auspices of DEFF (Danmarks Elektroniske Fag- og Forskningsbibliotek – Denmark’s Electronic research Library)[i] to analyse how the Danish universities store, preserve and provide access to research data. It shows that they do not have a common IT-infrastructure for research data management. This paper describes the various paths chosen by individual universities and research institutions, and the background for their strategies of research data management. Among the main reasons for the uneven practices are the lack of a national policy in this field, the different scientific traditions and cultures and the differences in the use and organization of IT-services.

This development contains several perspectives that are of particular relevance to research libraries. As they already curate digital collections and are active in establishing web archives, the research libraries become involved in research and dissemination of knowledge in new ways. This paper gives examples of how The State and University Library’s services facilitate research data management with special regard to digitization of research objects, storage, preservation and sharing of research data.

This paper concludes that the experience and skills of research libraries make the libraries important partners in a research data management infrastructure.

Insights OA Monograph Supplement

Numéro spécial de la revue Insights : the UKSG journal, volume 27, supplement 1/2014, consacré aux monographies en libre-accès, publié le 8 avril 2014 :

Articles :

– Calibrating the parameters: changing hearts and minds about open access monographs

– Open access e-books: the role of the institution

– Open access monographs and the role of the library

– Open access monographs: a humanities research perspective

– The publisher journey for OUP

– Building it together: collaboration in university-based open access book publishing

– ‘The Returned’: on the future of monographic books

– Open access monograph business models

– Snapshots of three open access business models

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What role will Academic Libraries play in moving towards an open access future ?

Publié sur le site STM Publishing News le 4 septembre 2012 : 

In April, leading independent academic and professional publisher SAGE convened a roundtable in association with the British Library into the role of the academic library in an open access (OA) future. Chaired by publishing consultant Simon Inger and attended by an international panel of 14 senior librarians and other industry experts, the conclusions of this discussion have today been published in a report, “Moving towards an open access future: the role of academic libraries

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