Archives de catégorie : Bibliothèques de recherche

Faculty information and research needs : A Qualitative Study of Lesley University and Episcopal Divinity School Faculty

Rapport publié le 3 juin 2013 sur le site Scholarship at Lesley, Lesley University Library repository. Faculty information and research needs : A Qualitative Study of Lesley University and Episcopal Divinity School Faculty.

In the summer of 2011, the Library Assessment Workgroup began an investigation into the Lesley University and Episcopal Divinity School faculties’ information needs for research and teaching. By exploring faculty members’ perceptions of the library, and behaviors as researchers and instructors, we hoped to discern how well the library addresses their needs. The resulting project is a qualitative analysis of Lesley University and Episcopal Divinity School faculty members’ use of the library in the research and instruction process. Through twenty-five interviews and 3 focus groups, we studied the information-seeking strategies of forty members of the faculties. The examination focused on three areas: faculty research habits, student research required by the faculty, and faculty perceptions of student research strategies and results.

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Danish Research Library Association E-book barometer 2012

Rapport publié par la Danish Research Library Association, le 21 mai 2013

Rapport téléchargeable ici :

“The e-book market is still growing – compared to both economy and usage statistics – and the growth is expected to continue, though it is hard to quantify. The growth depends on various pa-rameters, such as users’ demands, publishers’ supply and price policy, as well as a multitude of technical and license challenges.
There are more e-book publishers than ever, probably because more publishers now offer the possi-bility to buy single titles and not only book packages.
Several libraries experiment with Patron Driven Acquisition (PDA) in various individually adjusted solutions, and budgets assigned to this purpose have increased.
The attitude to e-book reader devices has not changed in the past year – they are purchased primar-ily for internal use only and not for loans.
In addition to the increased growth, the general view is that e-books will provide improved service, particularly at libraries which serve geographically scattered localities. The gradual change from printed books to e-books is expected to release more space and resources from process functions to communication. On the other hand, there is a risk that budgets will be hollowed out, particularly in connection with e-reolen and the reduced possibility for interlibrary loan (ILL).”

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Library and Information Services : The Future of the Profession : Themes and scenarios 2025

Document de l’Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) : “Library and Information Services :  The Future of the Profession : Themes and scenarios 2025”, Discussion paper, 1 May 2013, signalé par DocuTicker le 21 mai 2013

“From Executive Summary:

Having looked at the historic and current situation relating to library and information services, and freely-available futurist thinking, we have developed scenarios for school, public, university and TAFE, and special libraries, and collecting institutions under three themes:

The golden age of information

Convergence is an efficiency model. Generally, it means fewer jobs but the positions that are available require people with significant skills.

Connection is good for libraries, it plays to our strengths. In this environment, libraries thrive, although library and information professionals have to step outside their comfort zone.

The golden age of information is coming, the question is whether or not today’s library and information professionals can make it their own. If we can, this era offers highly attractive opportunities for the profession and it opens up the possibility of many more of our members occupying senior positions in government, not-for-profit and commercial enterprises.”

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Les chercheurs et leur environnement numérique

Billet publié par Par Thomas le jeudi 7 mars 2013 sur le blog Vagabondages : Les chercheurs et leur environnement numérique – Vagabondages

Une intéressante présentation de Joyce Seitzinger et Colin Warren sur les liens entre chercheurs et numérique. Plus exactement, il s’agit d’une formation donnée dans le cadre du  Graduate Certificate in Higher Education, de l’université Deakins.

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Les conclusions du rapport sur l’extension des horaires d’ouverture des bibliothèques

Posté sur le site Acualitté, le 26/12/2012 :

L’inspecteur général des bibliothèques Dominique Arot a rendu aux différents ministres concernés son rapport sur l’extension des horaires d’ouverture des bibliothèques. Ce texte, disponible en ligne, note que, malgré des « avancées indiscutables », « il reste encore beaucoup à faire pour que toutes les bibliothèques françaises placent les usagers au centre de leurs préoccupations et cessent d’exclure une partie de leurs publics potentiels à cause d’horaires et de formes d’accueil inadaptés. »

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New Roles for New Times : Research Library Services for Graduate Students


Rapport publié par l’ARL (Association of Research Libraries) le 20/12/2012 :

The new report, written by Lucinda Covert-Vail and Scott Collard, both from New York University (NYU) Libraries, presents findings from interviews and other research into the current state of graduate student programming in primarily ARL libraries. The authors provide several recommendations for serving graduate students more effectively in a demonstrably changing higher education landscape.

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ARL Issue Brief > Massive Open Online Courses: Legal and Policy Issues for Research Libraries

Billet publié le 23 octobre 2012 sur le blog Alt-Ed :

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) raise significant legal and policy questions for  research libraries, which are often asked to support the development of MOOC courses. These questions involve information policy concerns that are central to research libraries, including the proper application of fair use, the transition to open access as the default mode of scholarly publishing, and the provision of equal access to learning materials for students with and without disabilities. Where possible, research libraries should engage in conversations around MOOCs and promote their core values. By doing so, they will also promote the continuing vitality of libraries as partners in the
educational mission.

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What role will Academic Libraries play in moving towards an open access future ?

Publié sur le site STM Publishing News le 4 septembre 2012 : 

In April, leading independent academic and professional publisher SAGE convened a roundtable in association with the British Library into the role of the academic library in an open access (OA) future. Chaired by publishing consultant Simon Inger and attended by an international panel of 14 senior librarians and other industry experts, the conclusions of this discussion have today been published in a report, “Moving towards an open access future: the role of academic libraries

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2012 top ten trends in academic libraries

A review of the trends and issues affecting academic libraries in higher education

Article publié par l’ACRL (Research Planning and Review Committee) dans College & Research Libraries News, vol. 73, no. 6, p. 311-320, June 2012 :

Three leaders in academic librarianship were the catalysts for this discussion: Martin Halbert, dean of libraries at University of North Texas; Joan Lippincott, associate director of Coalition for Networked Information (CNI), and Mark Puente, director of diversity and leadership programs, Association of Research Libraries (ARL). This discussion forum augmented the trends identified by the committee.

These top trends are listed alphabetically. Each trend includes a brief discussion and references to the literature. The committee also compiled additional resources that may be of interest.

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Re-skilling for Research

Rapport publié par RLUK (Research Libraries UK) en janvier 2012 :

RLUK has published a major report by Mary Auckland on the changing needs of researchers and the effect on the subject/liaison role within libraries.

As research activities evolve, research support must evolve with them. RLUK has been keen to determine what the new requirements of researchers are, and how best these needs can be met by the library.  We want to place the needs of researchers in the context of the libraries current offering, and look at how we must change to fulfil the new demands placed upon us.

This report, Re-skilling for Research, takes us a long way to mapping these requirements. It looks in detail at researchers’ information needs and begins to outline the skills and knowledge that are required to meet those needs. The Report offers a comparison of different models of library support for researchers, with valuable comparisons of current job descriptions. Finally, issues around the training opportunities for subject librarians to acquire the additional skills and knowledge they will need to fulfill their new roles are explored.

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Leaving Elsevier’s “big deal”: an evaluation of the Italian National Institute of Health experience inside the Bibliosan Consortium

Déposé le 23 mai 2012 sur E-LIS. Toni, F. Leaving Elsevier’s “big deal”: an evaluation of the Italian National Institute of Health experience inside the Bibliosan Consortium, 2012. In 4th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML 2012),Limerick (Ireland),22-25 May 2012.(In Press) [Conference Paper]

In 2011 the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS), the Italian National Institute of Health, has been forced, due to economic reason, to leave the Bibliosan Consortium contract with the publisher Elsevier. The contract, following the “big deal” model, provided for the maintenance of paper subscriptions and the payment of an additional fee for the whole electronic collection (more than 2,000 journal titles). The continuous increase of annual costs has led to unsustainable growth in costs and to the subsequent cancellation of the contract. This meant that more than 500 researchers of the Institute have suddenly had access to just 180 Elsevier current titles instead of the previous 2,000. The study traces the various stages which led to taking this unavoidable decision to cut about half of the Elsevier’s journals and analyzes its impact. Lire la suite :


Bibliothèque de sciences humaines et sociales : quelles particularités dans le contexte du XXIe siècle ?

Diplôme de conservateur de bibliothèque : mémoire d’étude de Benjamin Caraco, janvier 2012 :

Résumé :
Les Sciences Humaines et Sociales (SHS) connaissent des mutations qui influent
à la fois sur les pratiques des chercheurs et sur la production de résultats. La
généralisation du numérique les affecte aussi comme en témoigne la naissance
des Digital Humanities. Dans ce contexte, les bibliothèques s’adaptent en
renouvelant leur offre et en renforçant leur dimension sociale, leurs services tout
en collant au plus près des pratiques universitaires. La bibliothèque du futur
Campus Condorcet vise à faire la synthèse de ces changements afin d’offrir une
bibliothèque de recherche en SHS adaptée aux enjeux du XXIe siècle.

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